The Workplace Relations Commission heard that a Co. Tipperary mushroom producer, Stablefield Ltd, with a registered office at Killeaton, Clogheen, Co Tipperary, allegedly paid a female Romanian mushroom picker just €4.06 per hour, despite the national minimum wage being between €8.65 and €9.15 per hour.

A State workplace watchdog has now ordered Stablefield Ltd to pay the former employee and harvest manager Ana Lacramioara Manciu, €15,058 in arrears, following the company’s failure to pay her the national minimum wage over a 12 month period, between September 2015 and September 2016. (During this period, the national minimum wage in July 2011 was set at €8.65 and had increased to €9.15 by January 1st, 2016.)
In her findings, Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) adjudicator, Úna Glazier Farmer, a qualified Barrister-at-Law, stated that she accepted Ana Lacramioara Manciu’s undisputed evidence in its entirety and that her complaint was well founded.
Ana Lacramioara Manciu provided evidence of working 14 and 15 hour days but only getting paid for 6.58 hours and 6.77 hours on particular days by the firm Stablefield Ltd.
Ana Lacramioara Manciu alleged that Stablefield Ltd falsified her working hours and the Workplace Relations adjudicator agreed that Stablefield Ltd sought to take advantage of Lacramioara Manciu, who was not fully familiar with her employment rights, following her arrival here in Ireland with her husband.
Úna Glazier Farmer (WRC) adjudicator stated that Ana Lacramioara Manciu gave her evidence with exceptional detail and clarity, despite the passage of time in the case and was clear as to dates, times and events in her reference to all supporting evidence.
In her findings, Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) adjudicator, Úna Glazier Farmer stated that she accepted Lacramioara Manciu’s undisputed evidence in its entirety and that her complaint is well founded.
The Commission adjudicator agreed that it appeared it was the clear intention of the company to deceive the complainant by underpaying her significantly less than the national minimum wage, which she regarded as a most heinous breach of employment rights.
Úna Glazier Farmer has also awarded Ana Lacramioara Manciu €2,000 in expenses in connection with the dispute, latter brought under Section 24 of the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000.
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