Ms Maura Barrett, (Branch Librarian at Cashel Library) Reports On International Women’s Day.
Cashel Library, here in Co. Tipperary, will celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th next, beginning sharp at 7:00pm, with a free celebration of Ceol, Craic, Coffee and Cake.

This free event embracing the International Women’s Day campaign theme: #BreakTheBias showcases songs, story and music from the best talent in the region. Featuring the noted Journalist, Lecturer and champion for gender equality Tom Clonan, latter who has spent a lifetime fighting for Gender Equality, Disability Rights and the most vulnerable in Irish Society.

Ms Maura Barrett, (Branch Librarian in Cashel Library) and co-ordinator of this event, says it kick starts a number of #BreakTheBias themed events that the library will host in 2022 with schools, community groups and patrons.
“I am very excited about this celebration” says Maura, “It is so wonderful to be able to celebrate women’s achievements and very fitting that libraries play their part in actively breaking the bias that women continue to experience. We were mid-way through Mná Month back in 2020 when the Covid Pandemic scuppered things. It is very fitting that we can now pick up the baton again in 2022, in a renewed way, beginning with a celebration.”
This promises to be a jolly event with poetry and singing, jesting and joviality and there will be coffee and tea and some cake too.
The event is delighted to feature Singer/Songwriter Eileen Condon; Poet Orla Hennessy; Writers Eileen Hennigan and Bernie Coniry; Actors Will Condon and Sheila Lannigan; Mythical Tales/Stroyteller and Druid Eimear O’Brien and many others, adding to what will be a most entertaining night.
Do Please Note: Places are limited for this free event, so do ‘Repondez, s’il vous plaît’ (RSVP) to Tel: 062 63825 quickly, to avoid disappointment.
* International Women’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8th to commemorate the cultural, political, and socio-economic achievements of women.
The day also marks a call for action for accelerating women’s equality.
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