
Neglect & Waste In Thurles A Sign Of Our Times.

Pleasing everyone is just impossible, but pissing everyone off, I find, is a piece of cake, and so I go diligently to work.

Motorists will agree that, with increased traffic on our roads and streets, there are hazards everywhere, specifically in towns and other built up areas.
To this end warning road signs are normally put in place to avoid and reduce driving risks to an acceptable level, thus circumventing serious accidents. Well that is accepted normally; except in Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

As in places of employment; were there to be a Health and Safety Authority investigation undertaken presently, on the town of Thurles, our whole unit would be immediately shutdown for weeks.

The video hereunder, valued readers, is not in any way fabricated, so if you are out walking this sunny eve, “eyes to the fore please” and observe for yourself the facts, while contemplating the question, “Why should I be forced to Pay Property Tax?”

(1) Have the local Garda Authority or the Thurles Garda Roads Policing Unit, raised the issue of the Council failing to provide adequate signage at their monthly meetings, attended by elected councillors?
(2) Have Driving Instructors reported this issue to local Council officials on behalf of their students?
(3) What do Driving Instructors say to their pupils, when explaining why necessary warning ‘STOP’ signs, for over 6 months, are facing in the wrong direction – or totally absent – or indeed never erected at all, e.g. both ends of the Ikerrin Road in Thurles?
(4) Then there are the Driving Test Inspectors; have they contacted the Thurles Municipal District Council Office regarding this utter neglect of signage, noticed when testing learner drivers?
(5) We live in a town, possibly one of the few towns in Ireland, where there exist two elected, powerless and resident TD’s; namely Mr Jackie Cahill and Mr Michael Lowry. Both TD’s appear to coexist with five elected Councillors, namely, Mr Séamus Hanafin, Mr Micheál Lowry, Ms Peggy Ryan, Mr Jim Ryan and Mr Seán Ryan. To the latter named, “What do you intend to do to protect passing motorists not familiar with our Thurles medieval streetscape, promoted by council engineers?”.

All aforementioned appear to have no shame when it comes to denying truth, defending lies, and demonstrating only a modicum of principle.

Shame is nothing more than denial of the truth and I now ask why are you all failing to protect Thurles, the area you all promised to serve, prior to you being elected.

Note, all the aforementioned elected officials reside within the postal district of Thurles. All preside over a rural town seriously neglected and decaying at warp speed; all for the want of someone skilled in the use of a sweeping brush and a spanner.

This attached video link has been forwarded by email to Mr Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive, Tipperary Co. Council, (, and to Ms Sharon Scully, Thurles District Administrator, (
We have asked both individuals to explain this wanton neglect and permitted destruction of Thurles, “A Town that I Love so Well”.

As readers are already aware, local TD’s and locally elected councillors do not read or reply to correspondence, only when threatened by the Standards In Public Office Commission. We have therefore decided to not disturb their daily idleness.

Elected representatives and local officials, please make an effort to earn your generous salaries, paid for by the taxpayer.


3 comments to Neglect & Waste In Thurles A Sign Of Our Times.

  • Katie

    George I am at loss as to what these Councillors are doing in their offices every day. This is terrible. I certainly would not be able to understand any of these signs. Surely George these Councillors have to be responsible for such dangerous and neglect of duty. Surely they have some pride in a beautiful Town like Thurles, especially after been voted into office by the very people who trusted them to do the job with pride. Remind them it’s not that long ago when a tourist took a wrong turn because to my understanding he did not see the sign and both he and his wife were killed. For God sake wake up Councillors and do your job properly before another accident happens. Thank you George for all your help in keeping Thurles the beautiful town it is.

  • Albert J Gonzales

    I enjoy your videos on youtube and have subscribed. My Granny left Thurles around 1920 for America where I am today. I have returned to Thurles many times over the years and it is dear to my heart. I have many relatives there today and I particularly enjoy staying at the Hayes and doing a daily walk about town, having a pint at The Arch and Skehan’s, knowing the Granny walked these same streets a hundred years ago. I always visit the Cathedral and light a candle for Granny and pray for her soul. I have been doing the same routine since 1975, returning every so often and always wishing I could stay longer.
    I realize there are problems, which you have correctly pointed out. It saddens me to see that these issues are easily correctable and you have rightly put a spotlight on what is obviously poor management of available resources. The street signage issue is something that could be corrected in one afternoon by the public works department if whoever is the manager would just make an effort and assign workers to do so.
    Keep up the good work and best wishes from America.
    Perhaps I will cross paths with you on my next visit.
    Best wishes,
    Al from New Jersey/New York

  • George Willoughby

    Mr Gonzales, Nice to hear from you. Next time you visit Thurles you must come to lunch as my guest.
    Best regards,

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