“Well Mikey any news”, said I, as Mikey Ryan and myself wended our way through the continuous maize of plastic road fencing on Liberty Square, Thurles, in an effort to find the front door of The Arch Bar.

“Not so much as a morsel happening locally, all’s quiet,” replied Mikey.
“I suppose all the talk at the moment, everywhere, is focused on Cop26 in Scotland; global warming, and the cutting of greenhouse gas emissions by insulating 500,000 homes by 2030“, said I.
“Too right you are”, said Mikey, “I have been calling for this government to insulate my house for years. Only last night Juicy Lucy, you know the one with the big you know what’s”, he gesticulated, in a curvilinear motion, chest high; “that’s living next door to me”
“I do of course” said I, “sure everyone knows the lovely Lucy”.
“Well she was talking over the fence to her-indoors last night”, said Mikey. Last year, the wife was telling me, she replaced all the windows in her house with that expensive double-glazed energy efficient variety, and this morning, she got a call from the contractor who installed them.
“It seems”, said Mikey, “he was complaining that the installation work, which had been fully completed a whole year ago, hadn’t been yet paid for”, said Mikey. “Hellloooo” she supposedly said, “just because I’m good looking doesn’t mean that I am totally stupid”, continued Mikey.
“I don’t believe it”, said I
“True as God”, said Mikey “she, told him in no uncertain terms, just what his fast talking sales guy had told her last year”.
“What was that”, said I.
“From what I can gather”, said Mikey, “she claims that he told her that; and I quote:- “In just ONE YEAR these windows will pay for themselves.”
“Helllooooo? The year is now up”, Lucy supposedly told the contractor”, that’s according to Mikey, “and now you expect to be paid twice. She swears there was only silence followed by fast heavy breathing at the other end of the phone, so she finally just hung up and he never called her back; she reckons he felt like a right eejit”, continued Mikey.
“Two Paddy and a drop of water Pat”, said I, “when you’re ready please; faith Mikey tonight you can feel winter temperatures approaching, you would want your house insulated”.
George with all the doom and glume going on. Mikey will always give us a laugh. George I could not believe it. When one of my expat seniors rang me today. Telling me he could not get an MRI free and he had to pay $250.00. So when I checked this up sure enough he was right. Now George this man is in his seventy’s and paid Taxes all his working life. But wait until I tell you and all your readers. If your over fifty years old. The Australian Government will no longer cover you for this. Absolutely shocking its bad enough this Government has taken most prescriptions off the PPS and now these people have to pay high sky prices for them as well. As I keep saying to our Government, Election coming up and do remember.’ The seniors of today are not the seniors of yesteryear.’ Well George hope you are all keeping well. Take care and God Bless.