Anti-vaccination; anti-Irish EU Membership campaigner and failed Tipperary politician Ms Dolores Cahill is understood to be no longer an employee and lecturer at University College Dublin (UCD), with her details having been removed from the University’s online staff directory.

Picture G. Willoughby. [Photo taken 21st August, 2020]
UCD had faced criticism in the past for not taking action against Ms Cahill over false and misleading claims she made about Covid-19, over the course of the pandemic. There were also calls from some members of the university’s 40-member governing body, including from more than 130 students for an investigation into her conduct publicly.
A former Chair of the Irish Freedom Party; a failed Tipperary General Election candidate; Ms Cahill had publicly stated that ‘Lockdown’ and ‘Social Distancing’ was not needed to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. People who recover are then “immune for life” after 10 days and deaths and illnesses could have been prevented by extra vitamins.
Opposing vaccinations, Ms Cahill had publicly stated; “politicians and the media” are using Covid-19 “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick (sicker) and to force vaccinations on us.”
Speaking at an anti-lockdown rally in Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day, Ms Cahill claimed that children who wore face masks would have a lower IQ as their brains were being “starved” of oxygen.
Following such statements Ms Cahill was asked, in 2020, to resign as Vice Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), latter a partnership between the European Commission and the drugs industry, to promote new drugs.
In seeking her resignation the European Commission said that the claims made by Ms Cahill; then a professor of translational medicine in UCD, could cause “significant harm”, if taken literally by inhabitants around the world.
On August 10th last, a warrant was issued for Ms Dolores Cahill’s arrest. The bench warrant for the arrest was issued in London, for her failure to turn up to a number of scheduled court hearings.
The misinformed and prominent Covid sceptic and anti-vaccination campaigner, now faces charges arising out of an alleged illegal rally, involving more than 30 people, held in Trafalgar Square, London in September of 2020.
Ms Cahill failed to appear before a court hearing on July 3rd last. She again failed to appear at a hearing on July 20th and at her latest hearing scheduled on August 10th last. It was at this hearing that a warrant was issued for her immediate arrest.
Her case was adjourned until September 10th last, the outcome of which, so far, is not known.
Good enough for her! – say the plain people of Ireland