Tipperary County Council’s decision to grant planning permission for yet another “material recovery facility building”, in Thurles, as expected, has had a considerable number of appeals now lodged with An Bord Pleanála.

Ryan Cleaning Event Specialists Ltd, had lodged plans for such a facility and were granted permission, subject to 11 further conditions, by Tipperary Co. Council.
The former named Ltd Company had sought to construct the following:-
(a) one single storey material recovery and transfer facility building (of floor area 1031 m sq).
(b) a single storage detached prefabricated office building (floor area 60 m sq) with signage on both buildings.
(c) vehicular access to the site is via the as constructed existing entrance.
(d) a service yard with vehicle weighbridge and vehicle washing area with the site.
(e) on-site staff and visitor car parking and truck parking areas.
(f) all necessary ancillary site development works to facilitate this development with boundary treatment and landscaping.
(g) all associated site works consisting of petrol interceptor and silt traps and connection to existing septic tank and upgraded percolation area with all associated site works.
This facility was proposed for construction at the now visibly dishevelled looking Cabragh Business Park, at Ballycurrane, Thurles, situated close to several private housing estates and within meters of a vast area of preserved wetland habitats. Permission was initially applied for in February 2021 and because of planning application failures, again in July 2021.
The plans by Ryan Cleaning Event Specialists Ltd, have attracted a considerable number of submissions and observations by members of the public, many forced to reside in the vicinity; together with local material recovery competitors, e.g. Cabragh/Ballycurrane Residents Association, Garrett Leech, O’Callaghan Moran and Associates; Residents of nearby Caisleán Cuirt, Cabra Road, Thurles; David McCarthy; Pride Point Limited T/A Ryan Brothers Environmental, Mill Road Thurles; Killeenyarda Construction Limited, (latter who already use the Cabragh Business Park area for a similar 5,000 ton material recovery facility).
The case is due to be decided on, by An Bord Pleanála, before December 9th next 2021.
Parnell Car Park.

Meanwhile, speaking on the subject of “material recovery” refuse dumps; work has eventually begun to remove the eyesore created by Thurles Municipal District Council, begun some years ago in the Parnell car park, situated west of the town.
It was to this council fly tipping zone that the 34 road signs, so quickly removed by the local council from route R659 were brought to be disposed of.
However as stated, fly tipping by the council had been accumulating here, in this area for years, [see pictures marked A, B, and C above], demonstrating the further waste and disrespect shown for local taxpayers money.
A large skip has now been introduced to remove the paving bricks, various plastic road signs, plastic bollards, building rubble, plastic piping, cardboard, supermarket trolleys etc, etc, etc.
Picture D above, does show some of the progress so far, but no sign yet of the village pump and hand cut stone trough, which once graced the junction on Cathedral Street at co-ordinates 213117, 158760 Thurles.
Note that those paving bricks were removed from Parnell Street and Westgate (replaced by inferior concrete which has since cracked; having been smashed by a digger). Tipperary County Council still haven’t replied to my email regarding the butchering of perfectly good paving bricks, laid by Thurles Town Council in 1996.