
Bench Warrant For Arrest of UCD Professor, Dolores Cahill.

We first wrote about Dolores Cahill on when she failed to remove election posters, in the Thurles area, thus constituting an offence under section 19 of the Irish Litter Pollution Act 1997 and the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2009.

Election poster at Monakeeba, Thurles, Co.Tipperary. Photograph G.Willoughby.

See also Link: Political Poster At Monakeeba, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Survives “Storm Ellen”.

Then Irish Freedom Party chairperson Dolores Cahill came second-last in the Tipperary constituency with just 0.6% or 521 first preference votes

By the time the posters were eventually removed Dolores Cahill owed Tipperary County Council an estimated €10,250 under this same Litter Pollution Act of 1997 and the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2009. Whether they ever collected their outstanding debt we cannot confirm.

Arrest Warrant Issued For Dolores Cahill.

Now we are aware that on August 10th last, a warrant was issued for Dolores Cahill’s arrest.

The bench warrant for the arrest of Dolores Cahill, a UCD Professor, has been issued in London, for her failure to turn up to a number of scheduled court hearings.

The misinformed and prominent Covid sceptic and anti-vaccination campaigner, now facing charges arising out of an alleged illegal rally, involving more than 30 people, held in Trafalgar Square, London in September of last year.

The initial hearing was held on June 16th last, at Westminster Magistrates Court. She was not required to attend on that particular hearing date in person, but she was invited to submit a plea, which she failed to provide.

Cahill then gave her address as care of the Irish Freedom Party, Kandoy House, 2 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3; latter (for the benefit of our overseas readers), is a very minor right-wing hard, Eurosceptic, political party, which has reared its head here in Ireland to no great a following.

Cahill failed to appear before a court hearing on July 3rd last. She again failed to appear at a hearing on July 20th and at her latest hearing scheduled on August 10th last. It was at this hearing that a warrant was issued for her immediate arrest. Her case has now been adjourned until September 10th next.

Cahill was forced to resigned her post as Irish Freedom Party chairperson, following a speech, which she gave at an anti-lock down rally in Herbert Park in Co. Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day. It was here that she stated that children who wore face masks were being “starved” of oxygen and would end up having a lower IQ. Cahill had stated, “Wake up parents. Oxygen is required for your brain to function and I am saying to the children and teenagers of the world; to their parents and teachers; that the individual ministers and prime ministers across the world have failed you. The reason that the globalists are pulling down the masks is that oxygen-deprived people are easier to manipulate. If the police stopped doing criminal and unlawful behaviour, this thing would be over. If everybody just stopped wearing masks, this (the Covid-19 pandemic) would be over .”

Last month outside the Dublin Bay South by-election count centre, (Video Above) Cahill was denied entry for failing and refusing to wear a mask. Cahill who was running as an Independent candidate, claimed she had an “inalienable right” to bodily integrity and therefore was not required to wear a mask.

A leaflet released by Cahill ahead of the recent Dublin Bay South by-election made a number of ill-informed and grossly misleading claims about Covid-19 vaccines. In same leaflet, Cahill claimed that mRNA vaccines “have never been approved” and also made a misleading claim about deaths associated with vaccine clinical trials. Same saw her, as expected, eliminated on the third count, with a meagre 179 votes.

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors described Cahill’s tyrade on Gardaí; latter who were on security duty at the Dublin Bay South count centre, as simply “abhorrent”, when she claimed that by refusing to allow her to enter the count centre, was the equivalent of being “raped”.

Why the Irish authorities have failed to arrest Cahill, who has behaved similarly with regards to unlawful assemblies here in Ireland, remains, to the vast majority of Irish law-abiding citizens, a total mystery.


1 comment to Bench Warrant For Arrest of UCD Professor, Dolores Cahill.

  • Dennis

    Yes, Cahill should be arrested but even more concerning is the fact that she managed to get 521 first preference votes last time round in the Tipperary constituency

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