
Persons Aged 18 To 35 years To Receive Covid Vaccine From Monday.

Mr Stephen Donnelly

Persons aged between 18 and 35 years are to be offered Covid vaccine, through their pharmacies, from next week.

Irish Fianna Fáil politician and Minister for Health Mr Stephen Donnelly has confirmed that Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine will be made available to people under 35 years, through pharmacies, with effect from July 5th next.

Same age group will be able to avail of mRNA vaccines Pfizer and Moderna through the vaccination programme portal, as well as the AstraZeneca jab.

With the vaccines now available through pharmacies, this development of events will mean that persons will be vaccinated one to two months earlier than had been previously anticipated.

There are 750 pharmacies who will participate in this vaccination programme with 40,000 doses of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine already in stock.

Some 210,000 Janssen doses are due for delivery in July followed by more in August, while 100,000 AstraZeneca doses are also expected to arrive this month.

However, the speeding up of the Covid-19 vaccination programme next week is not expected to alter what the country will be dealing with in July and August next, with up to 900 new cases per day, according to Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn.


4 comments to Persons Aged 18 To 35 years To Receive Covid Vaccine From Monday.

  • Michael


  • Katie

    George. So long as they don’t go down the path as Australia. Every day they change the age group. And what
    Vaccine each aged group can have. I was shocked to here on our news last night. They now have more of the elderly in Nursing Homes down with the Virus. All because they allowed medical staff and workers going into these Nursing Homes without been vaccinated. Its unbelievable that this was not checked. We now have a class action going on. I wonder if Ireland do any checking on these people who work with such vulnerable people. George we have to many chiefs coming on the TV giving different opinions its so confusing for people especially seniors. Look after one another and keep safe.

  • Katie

    George. Oh my God. This virus has got out of hand again. We even have people as young at 20 in ICU in Sydney. The Sydney businesses are absolutely screaming asking for all planes to be halted into Australia now. Here in Qld. We are not to bad but still have to wear masks outside and in super markets. Its all just getting out of hand again. We are keeping a close eye on Ireland. Take care George and look after one another.

  • George Willoughby

    You also Katie, do take care and look after one another.

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