
Litter Bins Left To Overflow Again In Thurles Town Park.

This is Friday evening and packed litter bins have once again, for the third week-end in succession, been left ready to overflow within Thurles Town Park.

Unemptied Litter Bins in Thurles Town Park at 5:00pm this evening.
Pics G. Willoughby.

People are correctly depositing their waste, however two extra ‘daubed’ Wheelie Bins provided, lack any signage to indicate that they are there for the public to use.

The Wheelie Bins need openings cut in their lids and holes drilled in their bases to allow water to drain out. They also require signs inviting the public to use same. Consequently, these bins are presently being overlooked and remain relatively empty.

It would appear that the stainless steel bins are not being emptied on a sufficiently regular basis and certainly were not emptied before close of business this evening.

Again, sadly no bins have been provided in the area of the River Walk.

It would appear that Thurles Municipal District remains devoid of any form of real, proper administration, coming from officials.


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