
Tipperary TD Jackie Cahill – Grasps At Imaginary Straws

You would swear it was a General Election year, then maybe it might be, and if it is, we need to change every solitary TD, we elect to represent our county of Tipperary.

Perhaps the biggest laugh local people got on Friday last, came from Fianna Fáil TD Mr Jackie Cahill. [See his Facebook page shared with Thurles public October 2nd, 2020].

He writes: “I want to give you an update on the work I’ve been doing, and will continue to do, for my home town of Thurles!

Social Housing: 28 units are currently being constructed on the Mill Road. This government is dedicated to providing social and affordable housing.
[Note: No mention of attempting to save the 175 year old “Great Famine Double Ditch”, which exists 5 metres (15ft) from where he was standing in his video. We sent 2 emails to Mr Cahill’s email address asking for the answers to 3 simple questions and as was expected from Mr Cahill, we got no reply.]

Jigsaw Centre: this will provide much needed mental health supports for young people in Tipperary.

Third Level Funding: this government has provided €2 million in capital grants for MIC and LIT Thurles campuses as part of the July stimulus.

MIC Thurles: I am working to increase the number of courses available for students, increasing the educational opportunities available in Thurles.

Tourism Office: €2.5 million for a tourism office on the site of the old Lár na Páirce. [You mean, Mr Cahill, the old National Bank building, not Lár na Páirce Museum, surely. By the way it was a €25,000 grant under the Village Renewal Scheme, not €2.5 million; hence the GO FUND ME page started, to try to keep it up and running.]

Hospital of the Assumption: €2.5 million investment in day and respite services for the area. [I thought Mr Alan Kelly TD, in opposition, was responsible for that enterprise before being contradicted by Mr Michael Lowry TD.]

National Apprenticeship Centre: working to increase spaces on offer and I secured €200,000 for Tipperary ETB.

Meanwhile, no mention of his formerly announced pipe dream of a Visitor Heritage Centre for Holycross Abbey, announced by Mr Cahill a week earlier, on 27th September, 2020.

Mr Cahill TD states: [View HERE and do please read the comments underneath for further amusement.]

His press release reads: –
“Cahill announces plans for a Multi-million Euro Heritage Centre in the Thurles area.”
This development in the Thurles area is believed to have the potential to attract large numbers of international visitors to the area annually.
Investments like this are needed in Tipperary to take advantage of opportunities that are likely to emerge as the global pandemic is brought under control.

The fact that this project has been able to progress during the Covid pandemic proves to us all that there will be life after Covid, and our area will have a major investment to look forward to.
I have been working with stakeholders for some time now on this planned development. Consultations with the local community in the area in question are commencing. Once this process is over, I will be in a position to announce more details.
This multi-million Euro development will most definitely be a welcome boost to the mid Tipp region.

[Read the full announcement HERE as Local TippFm Radio broadcasts political deceit. No mention of attempting to save existing 175 year old Thurles heritage.]

The Holycross/ Ballycahill local News Letter on the 27th September 2020, quickly brought TD Mr Jackie Cahill and Thurles Councillor Mr Jim Ryan, back from ‘Fantasy Land’, into the local world of reality and materiality.

The Holycross/ Ballycahill local News Letter stated: – (27th September 2020)
Visitor Heritage Centre: Further to recent media speculation in relation to Holycross Abbey, we wish to point out that there are no plans, drawings, costings or concrete proposals in relation to any development here at this point in time.

As has been the case for centuries, our Abbey remains the focal point of our parish for devotion and prayer and that will continue long into the future. If or when there are any further future developments at the Abbey, the people of the parish of Holycross/ Ballycahill should and hopefully will be the first to hear about it.

As you are probably aware from media reports, the Minister with responsibility for OPW
(Office of Public Works), Deputy Patrick Donovan made a visit to the Abbey during the week. His predecessor Kevin “Boxer” Moran also made a visit some years ago.

Discussions on possible future development of the OPW portion of the grounds have been taking place over a number of years to see how we can further enhance the area to the benefit of the Abbey and the OPW. Therefore, there is nothing new to report at this point.

There are no plans or funding proposals on the table for discussion. Hopefully this will happen at a later stage which, according to the Minister, could take many years to bring to fruition.
We are advised that any media speculation is not helpful at this time and may in fact hinder any prospects for the future development.

So Mr Cahill, were you attempting to magnify your currently non-existant profile, to your limited electorate by the use of deceit?

Mr Cahill laughingly continues on his Facebook page:-

“I will continue to push for capital investments in the Thurles area, such as the car park in the town and the development of Liberty Square.” [Note: Carpark & Liberty Square developments were both paid for by the ratepayers of Thurles. Fianna Fáil local councillors voted against that same increase of rates collected to develop Liberty Square, when it was first proposed many years ago.]

Truth is Mr Cahill, you had no hand, act or part in securing or acquiring any one of the assets you claim in your statement, but which you expect the hard working people of Thurles to swallow as truth.

Perhaps the time has come for all TD’s representing Co. Tipperary to either work for their €96,189 per year (€1,850 per week) or fold their tents.
Sorry folks, but paying PR staff to associate you with the Met Éireann Weather Forecast on Facebook; with the successful and winning greats like cyclist Sam Bennett, is not actually the work we elected you all to undertake.


1 comment to Tipperary TD Jackie Cahill – Grasps At Imaginary Straws

  • Pat.

    George. You have hit the nail on the head regarding Deputy Cahill’s comments. The old saying ‘paper never refused ink’ comes to mind.

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