
Lowry Welcomes Funding Of €545,540, Through ORIS

Michael Lowry TD

Independent Tipperary TD Mr Michael Lowry welcomes funding of €545,540 to Tipperary, through the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS).

Deputy Michael Lowry is delighted to confirm that two projects in Co. Tippeary will share funding of €545,540 through the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) 2019. The ORIS is funded through the Department of Rural and Community Development and Fáilte Ireland.

The details of the approved projects in Tipperary are:
Under Measure 2: Garrykennedy Amenity will receive funding of €45,540 for the replacement of timber decking and footbridges, with further improvements to benefit wheelchair access.

Under Measure 3: Suir Blueway Tipperary will receive €500,000 for Infrastructure Enhancement works to improve the existing canoe trail which forms part of the River Suir Blueway project including river access works and trail refurbishment works.

Mr Lowry, in concluding this announcement stated, “This funding will make a huge difference to the ongoing maintenance and development of these outdoor recreation facilities in Co. Tipperary.
There is no doubting the huge importance of both these projects to local residents and tourists alike, who use and continue to benefit greatly from these facilities. I am pleased that my support for these projects has played a central role in facilitating this funding announced today”


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