
Co. Tipperary Comes Under Attack From ‘Scam’ Telephone Callers

Since Monday last, Co. Tipperary is currently under attack from ‘Scam’ Telephone callers.

Numerous Tipperary individuals have been in receipt of telephone calls, both yesterday and today; same appearing to emanate from telephone numbers 0014934549 and 0050541810.

The callers claim to represent ‘Visa Card’ and ask “if you have used your card to purchase €600.00 of goods at 6:30am this morning”. These immediately identifiable Pakistan / Indian sounding male scum-bags, behind these calls, are insistent that they genuinely represents Visa. If you state you indeed have used your card, he immediately hangs up .

Since some of our readers do not use Visa, it was easy to ‘play along with’ the callers, once their targeted individual confirmed that they had not used their Visa Card today.

In reality these callers are attempting what are known as ‘Vocal Phishing’ or ‘Vishing’ scams, latter which we have warned all our readers about on numerous occasions in the past.

Please do keep in mind, particularly prior to Christmas, that no truly genuine financial instution or representative from any financial business organisation or indeed the staff from within the Public Service will ever call and seek personal, private, details or other data, either over the phone or by email contact.

Should you get such calls simply disconnect from your caller.

Do warn your elderly parents and friends about this current activity, as already such actions have cost, numerous people, thousands of Euro’s, latter having provided, in full, these low-life individuals with their personal privileged data.


2 comments to Co. Tipperary Comes Under Attack From ‘Scam’ Telephone Callers

  • Michael

    Good info for the public George. Thanks.

  • Louise Crawford

    Received one of those calls yesterday morning, but whoever it was used our neighbours phone number, as I dropped one of the numbers and redial it back and it was our neighbour up the road from us, and he informed me that he has been getting then calls once a week for the last couple of weeks. Be careful out there especially this close to Christmas.

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