
€1,000 Reward For Recovery Of Head Removed From Leahy Statue

A reward of €1,000 has been offered for the recovery of the Sicilian statuary marble head, removed by a vandal or vandals from the statue of Archbishop Dr. Patrick Leahy, sometime last week.

The figure, his hand right holding a breviary, stood 8ft (2.4384m) in height, in front of Thurles Cathedral, on a limestone pedestal 7ft (2.1336m) high; representing the deceased Prelate attired in his episcopal soutane, rochet and mozetta, with his head uncovered.
Following this undoubted vandalism, the head was then removed from the Cathedral grounds.

A person, who strictly wishes to remain anonymous, lodged €1,000 to the bank account of Thurles.Info on Friday evening last. [This action in itself, causing no small amount of misunderstanding / confusion, I hasten to add.]

Their written instruction received by us and now fully authenticated, states clearly:-
“If within seven days ending 12.00 noon, Monday July 15th, confidential information is forwarded to Thurles.Info; [Via Contact Us]; same which will clearly identify the area where the statue head currently can be found; or which will lead to the recovery of the marble piece, then on the find being fully validated by an already nominated expert, this reward of €1,000 should be passed, in cash, by the website administrator, within 3 days of the recovery, to the individual informant, who in turn shall remain anonymous, should they so desire.” Signed: A. Christian.

Might be time to pay homage to our wellies and walk that scummy river area.


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