
Upcoming Heritage Week – Thurles Cathedral, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

“History is who we are and why we are the way we are” – Quote by David McCullough

Here on we raised the issue of required entry road signage for Thurles back in July 2018, and again on March 21st, 2019. The current signage into our Cathedral Town remains 12 years outdated, outworn, archaic and a source of shameful embarrassment to local business and residents.

On April 3rd, 2019, we again wrote about this signage. Amazingly and just prior to our recent local Municipal District election, new approach road sinage for Thurles was, shall we say, “conveniently mooted”.

The four key strengths of the town which were identified were:- Arts & Culture, Business, Sport and Education.

According to the Minutes of our Municipal District, dated March 27th last, the four key strengths of Thurles, identified above, were recognised following public consultation. How come town residents, missed this public consultation invitation? Did any member of our electorate get an invitation? In the case of secretarial error, will these minutes be now fully corrected? After all (See picture (4) above) Tipperary Co. Council are committed to :- “AG OBAIR LEIS AN BPOBAL” – “WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY“.

Suggested New Thurles entry road signage

We here on Thurles.Info noted, with disappointment, that while Thurles is more often referred to as the “Cathedral Town”, no Cathedral building appears to feature in any of these hastily prepared proposals, that we have so far previewed.

Where is that “Identified Strength” known as ‘Thurles History’ recognised?

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”. Quote by Marcus Garvey

Thurles Chamber of Commerce take note:- From purely a local economic prospective; Thurles Cathedral possibly brings more footfall to our Thurles town centre, than even the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA); attracting people through their daily Mass, Funerals, Weddings, Communions, Confirmations etc. Unless I am gravely mistaken, Thurles Cathedral will never be driven out by Tipperary Co. Council’s crippling parking charges, to move to the freedom generated by Thurles Shopping Centre, unlike so many of our other fine town centre businesses.

Arts & Culture; are they really a local strength or simply consist of a theatre and exhibition space, built with taxpayers money, to be controlled, once again, to provide financial benefit to Tipperary Co. Council. For the most part our Arts & Culture strengths locally consist of inviting lesser talented Dublin based theatre companies, to rent our ‘The Source’ theatre space, before racing back to Dublin, clutching tightly our €25 Euro per head ticket charge.

Our history, on the other hand, is a real strength and by not identifying same with intense pride, we greatly disrespect and gravely slight those who have gone before, latter having achieved so much on behalf of this present, often ingrate, generation.

According to Minutes published, it was agreed that this signage would be erected on the N75 (Dublin Road), N62 (Templemore Road), N62 (Slievenamon Road) and the R498 (Nenagh Road, Thurles). The time frame for completion of the signage is dependent on the selection of an agreed design.

There were, it appears, some conflicting views expressed on the imagery being used on this proposed signage and it was therefore unanimously agreed that a separate meeting should be convened on Tuesday 2nd. April, 2019 at 5:00pm to finalise the design. Any decisions agreed at that same meeting once again remain withheld from the ears of the great unwashed electorate.

In our most recent local Municipal district elections we, the electorate, voted for “more of the same”, and it was therefore with some further disenchantment, not to mention cynicism, that I listened to a radio pod-cast, featuring the newly elected Cathaoirleach (Chairperson) of Tipperary County Council, Mr Michael Murphy (Fine Gael), speaking on what was to be “high on his agenda”, over the next 12 months. Mr Murphy appeared to be solely focusing on projects in his home town of Clonmel. May we take this opportunity to remind Mr Murphy that he was elected as Cathaoirleach to serve all of Co. Tipperary, not just Clonmel.

Ireland’s National Heritage Week 2019 – August 17th – August 25th.

Over the coming weeks in preparation for Thurles National Heritage Week; Thurles.Info will attempt to highlight the massive national, historical importance and physical presence of Thurles Cathedral of the Assumption.

Forgetting briefly the everyday religious benefits obtained by Thurles and Tipperary people, not to mention that same religious spiritual advantage enjoyed by hundreds of visiting day-trippers down the centuries; it is important to again reveal the many untold stories relating to this iconic building, latter which symbolises a Cathedral Church, built to the glory of God; holding many now forgotten yet true stories.

“We learn from history that we don’t learn from history”. Quote by Bishop Desmond Mplio Tutu, latter South African Anglican cleric, theologian, awarded the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize.

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