
Always Get Your Mathematics Right

Teacher: “Paddy now listen carefully; if I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then yet another 2 rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you own?”

Paddy: “Seven Miss”.

Teacher: “No Paddy, you are not listening. If I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then 2 more rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you have in all?”

Paddy: “I would have seven rabbits Miss”.

Teacher: “OK, I will put it to you differently. If I gave you 2 apples, then another 2 apples and then another 2 apples, how many apples in total would you have?”

Paddy: “I would have six apples Miss”.

Teacher: “Excellent. Now lets try this again. If I gave you 2 rabbits, then another 2 rabbits and then 2 more rabbits, how many rabbits in total would you have?”

Paddy (Counting on his fingers): “I would have seven rabbits Miss”.

Teacher (Now annoyed): “Paddy in the name of God, where are you getting your seven from?”

Paddy: “Well I feckin already have one rabbit at home, Miss”.


2 comments to Always Get Your Mathematics Right

  • Katie

    Absolutely fabulous. George if you don’t mind. I will print this one out.
    And take it to the seniors club. Plenty of paddy’s in that club. Especially Sean he keeps rabbits. Thanks George for keeping my seniors laughing.

  • Katie

    Well George I had a great day with my seniors. And this Mathematic game was a huge hit. One or two could not work it out at first. Mind you some a little bit slow. Then I explained it to them. A good laugh by all. And then a good sing along to finish the day. Thank you George once again for your help.

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