
Thurles Cathedral Manger Scene Well Worth A Visit

Christmas decorations, in particular the Crib scene, here in the Cathedral of The Assumption, Thurles, are looking particularly splendid this year, thanks in no small way to the creativity of our priests serving in the parish.

Indeed, all year long large plant displays, all presented in large Grecian urn style planters; both in front of the Cathedral and the Parochial House opposite, set a an extremely high standard of floral display, surpassing every other comparison within the town.

Sunday evening next, December 23rd, the Cathedral of The Assumption, Thurles, will host the annual Christmas Carol service, beginning at 7.00pm sharp, at which all Choirs within the parish will perform.

If you happen to be passing the Cathedral in the coming days, do halt for a moment to take a look at the Crib. Remember it was St. Francis of Assisi, (Patron Saint of Italy) who is credited with creating the very first live nativity scene, way back around 1223; his objective to cultivate the worship of Jesus Christ. We are given to understand that he had recently been inspired by a personal visit to the Holy Land, where he had viewed the traditional birthplace of the Christ child.

At this time each year, this manger scene annually reminds me of the actions of my protestant grandmother. She would request her local friendly postman to visit the local Roman Catholic Church crib on her behalf, giving him between a sixpenny piece and a half crown to place in the collection box. The postman would remove a piece of straw from the manger and this would be then placed in my grandmother’s purse, where it would remain all year. This action she assured me would guarantee that regardless of prevailing economic conditions, God would continue to supply all her needs. Strangely, I must admit that despite living in lowly impoverished circumstances all of her 90-year life span, her purse never appeared to empty, and saw her paying all her bills on time.  Our own home, today, continues with this Christmas practise.


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