
Thurles Hosts Ireland’s Largest Pothole

Yes, its official, the town of Thurles, in Co. Tipperary now claims ownership of Ireland’s largest pothole.

Now believed to be the Eighth Wonder of the World, this pothole, fed by a tributary from the west of the town, now seriously challenges the position held previously by the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, in Turkey.

Tourists from Dublin city are now expected to arrive in their droves over the Christmas period; thus, abandoning their usual “jump off “ at the famous ‘Forty Foot’ pier in Sandycove, normally used for their annual Christmas swim.

Earlier, (on November 27th to be precise), the Thurles.Info website informed its readers of the Tipperary Co. Council’s gift of so-called Christmas Free Parking Initiatives (Note only in all public car parks) here in Thurles for Saturday December 8th; Saturday December 15th and Saturday December 22nd, 2018.

Alas, Ireland’s largest pothole is now blocking the main entrance to one of these same Christmas Free Parking initiatives, so generously volunteered by our impoverished Tipperary Co. Council; namely the Cathedral Street car park, positioned close to the 364 day free car park owned by Aldi Supermarket, and some 700 yards walking distance from the main Thurles shopping precinct.

When did we say the Co. Council elections were taking place?

Yes, the Christmas Spirit, so steadily exuded annually by Tipperary Co. Council, fully empathises with those words once uttered by Charles Dickens, (1812 – 1870), “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”


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