
Traveller Community Decline €1.8m Housing Development

Members of a Traveller community have declined to move into a €1.8m brand new housing development, that has been provided through the auspices of Tipperary Co. Council, unless two stables and at least a half-an-acre of land are included behind each of six newly built state of the art dwelling houses.

Top Picture: Unofficial halting site near Cabragh Bridge, on the Yellow Lough road, Thurles, directly opposite the new building development. Bottom Picture: Two of the 6 house development, complete with Solar Photvoltaic type roof panels.

The members of this Traveller community involved in this dispute, have occupied an unofficial halting site on a disused side road near Cabragh Bridge, on the Yellow Lough road just outside Thurles town, in Co. Tipperary, for some 40 years.

These newly erected dwellings consist of two five-bedroomed and four three-bedroomed houses, and are positioned on a site less than 200 meters across the road from this unofficial Traveller halting site.

Erected over a two-year period, at a cost of some €1,718,670, plus VAT; this overall development is surrounded by wooden fencing and plastered concrete walls to the rear, with high capped limestone walls erected to the side and fore.

However, the Traveller community on the far side of the road say they will not be occupying this accommodation unless their demands for livestock housing and land are fully provided.

Tipperary County Council yesterday stated that they will not be providing additional land in the townsland of Cabragh, to house and graze horses; confirming they were solely in the business of providing housing for families and not accommodation for horses.

Tipperary Co. Council are now also seeking vacant possession of this Traveller communities existing unauthorised site, with continuous discussions understood to have been taking place over many months with a view to fully resolving the matter.

Tipperary Co. Council are now under pressure to transfer these homes to other tenants waiting currently on their ever growing housing list. However the dispute is most likely to remain in a situation of stalemate for the foreseeable future.


2 comments to Traveller Community Decline €1.8m Housing Development

  • Katie

    George. These travellers should be grateful for such an offer of these lovely houses. I can assure you the homeless here would be queuing up all night for one of these well built houses and in a lovely area. My God what do these Travellers want.

  • Tony.

    Well done to Peter Casey. Its high time someone stood up to Travellers. Why don’t they buy their own land if they want to keep horses. Six houses for 1.7 million plus vat; Who in their right mind gave the go ahead for this they should be fired. Time to wake up and stop giving into these people. I just cant understand the waste of tax payers money. 300,00 euro for a house in Thurles this is a joke right. Give them a field and a few mobile homes and if they want a house let them work for it. Really wake up people. I am not a raciest I am a realist. The council should publish the full spec, with photos of these houses, because at this price they must be well above the standard council spec, or is it a case the Travellers demanded this spec.

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