
HSE Serve Closure Order On Tipperary Food Outlet

On Thursday last, 26/07/2018, a closure order was served by the Health Service Executive (HSE) on Riaz Uddin, proprietor of Ricky’s Fastfood and Indian Takeaway, situated at No.1 Abbey Street, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, latter a Fast Food, Pizzazz, Kebabs and Indian Takeaway provider. Same order was served under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 117 of 2010).

No details for the Closure Order have been published to date by the Food Safety Authority (FSA) and no date has been confirmed as to when same Order might be eventually lifted.

Closure Orders are issued if in the opinion of an authorised officer, there is likely to be a grave and immediate danger to public health as a result of services provided by the food premises. Closures Orders can refer to the immediate closure of all or part of any food premises, or all or some of its recognised activities. Such Orders may be lifted when the premises have fully improved to the total satisfaction of the Order serving authorised officer.

Failure to comply with a previously issued Improvement Order can also result in the issuing of a Closure Order.

Closure orders remain on the FSA’s website for a period of up to three months from the date the order was first confirmed lifted.

To date in 2018 instructions for 53 Closure Orders have been issued by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland nationally, with 8 Closure Orders nationally issued in June 2018 and 11 Closure Orders nationally in May 2018, latter which included the Rock Kebab and Pizza (Restaurant), situated at No. 101 Main Street, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.


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