
Michael Lowry’s Dublin Trial Adjourned To Monday June 11th.

The trial of Tipperary Independent TD Mr Michael Lowry, latter accused of allegedly filing incorrect income tax returns some 16 years ago and of allegedly conniving in the delivery of incorrect corporation tax returns for the years ending 2002 and 2006, has been adjourned until next Monday (June 11th) by today’s presiding judge, at the Dublin Central Criminal Court, Mr Justice Cormac Quinn BL.

The case is understood to have been adjourned due to the failure by the Revenue Commissioner to make available their first witness, named as Mr Fred Ramberg from the Finish Company Norpe OY; latter Company which transacted business with Mr Lowry’s Company Garuda Ltd.

Perhaps the most unusual request at today’s hearing was the invitation by Revenue Barrister Mr Remy Farrell SC that Mr Lowry should delete a statement, which he wrote yesterday on his Facebook page.

Statement (to which we linked on June 5th last) and which has now been deleted from Mr Lowry’s Facebook, had read:

“As you are probably aware I have a very difficult number of weeks ahead. It is going to be time consuming, demanding and obviously stressful. The Revenue Commissioners have brought charges against me and my Company for alleged offences which have their genesis in a 2002 transaction – 16 years ago.

Together with my company we will deny the charges and vigorously defend our position in the Trial which begins tomorrow and is expected to last 3 weeks.

It is my view that the Revenue Commissioners have been very selective in their approach. This action by the Revenue Commissioners is part of a 21- year programme of enquiries and investigations against me. My legals tell me that the case could and should have been dealt with at District Court level. However, Revenue successfully applied to have the case moved out of Tipperary to Dublin Circuit Criminal Court before a Dublin based Jury. The Revenue’s stated position is that I was too popular in Tipperary to be judged by my peers and that they have a better chance of convicting me in Dublin.

My personal tax affairs and that of Garuda T/A Streamline Enterprises are in compliance. The Revenue raised assessments against me personally and the Company declaring that there was €1million in undeclared taxes. My Accountants utterly refuted this suggestion.

This assessment was appealed to the independent highest taxation authority, The Appeal Commissioners. The Independent Appeal Commissioners independently heard both sides of the argument. The Appeal Commissioners unanimously rejected the Revenues assertion that there was outstanding monies due. They found that neither I or the Company owed any money and that we had no tax liability. The Revenue were proved wrong but still proceeded with the charges which will be the subject of the court case starting tomorrow.”

No reason was given in court for the request to delete the above statement from Mr Lowry’s social media platform, however we can only assume that a sentence in his declaration, which read “The Revenue’s stated position is that I was too popular in Tipperary to be judged by my peers and that they have a better chance of convicting me in Dublin”, may have offended Revenue Inspector Mr Timothy Lester and his officials. However, it is a fact, which cannot be denied, that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had previously secured an order which transferred Mr Lowry’s trial from the Tipperary Circuit Criminal Court to the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court, thus in real time confirming the statement initially made on Facebook by Lowry, which he has now deleted at the request of the Revenue Commissioners.

One other reason for this unusual request may be the fact that no Jury Members were selected from the Jury Panel, as had been anticipated today, and since same were not ordered to avoid reading comments discussed on social media and by the press, regarding today’s cancelled trial, the panel remained free to view Mr Lowry’s Facebook page.

A Jury of Mr Lowry’s peers will now be sworn in on Monday morning next, June 11th, with the trial expected to begin possibly after lunch.


3 comments to Michael Lowry’s Dublin Trial Adjourned To Monday June 11th.

  • David Commins

    It is a total disgrace to be treating Mr. Lowry the way these people in Dublin are. They would not let the poor man have his day in court here in Tipp because they didn’t trust a Jury!!!! Sworn in by the State, here in Tipp!!!!, because I suppose, none of us country folk can be trusted???
    What makes us POOR COUNTRY FOLK believe “One of Our Own” will receive a fair trial up in Dublin??? Michael Collins would turn in his grave. R.I.P.
    What does Michael have to do to prove he has no case to answer???? All his affairs are in order, it’s going on now for over 20 years. What’s it costing the State to keep this sideshow going on for so long.
    For Gods sake end this now, for what I see as a personal attack on one of the greatest men to ever have pulled up a pair of trousers. Throw this case out of court once and for all time.

  • Michael


  • Alice

    Absolutely shocking carry on by the revenue. Where do they get the power from? They have been spending taxpayers money on this craic for years.

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