
Love Lines For St Valentine’s Day

Love Lines For St Valentine’s Day

[ © Author & Poet Tom Ryan. ]

No more I seek sweet paradise or absolute truth and beauty rare.
I see my heaven in your eyes and in the shining of your hair;
No more I seek in sonnet, song or music’s sweetest, deepest sound,
That part of me so lost for long, which in your being I have found.
No more I wander through the hours, fearful, lonely, without cheer,
For you, oh fairest of the flowers, are here my love, sweet love, are here.
My every sense now wildly soars to joy beyond this transient earth,
Sweet scented life, oh beauteous bower, oh, bright and light my happy heart.
I wish and you are always there, my light, my courage and my soul,
You are enchantment everywhere, you bless, embolden and enthral.
And so not death nor worldliness shall keep us two, now one, apart;
Oh, magical our happiness, eternal our united heart.


Tom Ryan, “Iona,” Rahealty, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.


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