
Persons Claiming Social Welfare In Tipp August 2016

August 2016 figures, shown hereunder and supplied by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) show there were 13,044 people claiming social welfare benefits of some kind in Co Tipperary last month.

Live Register figures supplied by the Central Statistics Office shown below are categorised by ‘Age Group‘, ‘Sex‘, ‘Social Welfare Office‘ and ‘Month‘ and while there were 146 fewer signing-on for August 2016, when we compare the figures to January 2016, in the case of North Tipperary, these figures show an increase in claimants over this 8 month period, of 70 persons.

As shown, the largest decreases for last month (August 2016) were in Thurles (43) and Carrick-on-Suir (40), while the only increase was in Roscrea which rose by (1).

In August of 2006, (ten years previously), there were just 5,909 persons signing on the Live Register in Co. Tipperary, compared to last month’s figure of 13,044, representing 7,135 more claimants.

Of the 1,432 jobs announced / promised by former outgoing Government Tipperary Minister Alan Kelly, (700 Nth Tipp & 692 Sth Tipp), prior to the last General Election held on February 26th, 2016; none have as yet materialised.

This in mind, CSO figures for the 12 months; August 2015 – August 2016, show a drop of 1,388 persons signing-on, which loosely could indication as to the numbers of those who migrated or emigrated from Co. Tipperary, in search of work, over this same 12 month period.


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