
Tipperary Live Register Figures For June 2016

The Live Register Figures, recently published for the month of June 2016, based on the similar figures for the previous month, May, show an overall increase of 516 persons extra, now depending on various Social Welfare payments in Co. Tipperary.

Note these figures shown hereunder, are accessed using the search criteria; All Ages, Both Sexes, Social Welfare Office and Month. Carrick-on-Suir was the only Social Welfare Office (S.W.O.) in Co. Tipperary last month, recording a reduction of some 4 claimants.

live register

We are aware that Live Register figures are is not designed to measure employment solely, but figures provided here are most certainly a strong indication of Tipperary Urban and Rural trends.

When figures are compared using June 2016 against January 2016 statistics; for both North and South of the county, same show a disappointing rise of some 95 persons.

If we compare the combined Tipperary Live Register figure of 13,146, shown for June 2016, against the combined similar January 2015 figure of 14,176; (18 months); the figures show an overall decline of some 1,030 persons. This 1,030 figure equates to just 57.2 persons per month leaving the Social Welfare system over this same 18 month period.


1 comment to Tipperary Live Register Figures For June 2016

  • Chris

    Bad news census 2016. All towns in Tipperary be it urban or suburban had some population growth except Thurles. Cashel and Nenagh both had growth at over 10%+

    Our town is dying

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