
Arrests Follow Animal Health & Welfare Raids In Tipperary

GardaA series of Garda led Animal Health and Welfare raids were carried out across Co. Tipperary earlier today, resulting in the arrest of some nine individuals.

These Garda raids follow on from intense investigations into reports of illegal hunting and the killing of hares, together with intelligence gathered supporting evidence of illegal hare coursing, latter taking place on private lands at night in a number of locations in the districts of Thurles, Cahir  and Tipperary town.

Earlier reports from the farming community appear to indicate that such activities on private lands usually led to the theft of valuable equipment on subsequent nights following on from such activity, which involved the use of high powered lamps. Currently and particularly rural communities in Co. Tipperary are under siege by criminals following the failure by the present Fine Gael / Labour led government to provide the necessary resources to Gardaí to enable them to carry out their basic day to day work.

This joint operation, undertaken by Gardaí from stations in Thurles, Cahir, Tipperary Town and Clonmel, we understand also involved the support of members of the Irish National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Those arrested are presently being held at Thurles, Cahir, Tipperary town, Templemore and Clonmel Garda Stations. We also understand that a juvenile was also amongst those arrested, together with the seizure of a number of ‘Lurcher’ breed dogs (Lurcher – herding dog mated to a greyhound that primarily hunt by sight and speed, instead of by scent and endurance.), together with equipment ordinarily used in illegal coursing events.

All nine individuals have been detained under the Provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984; as amended for offences under the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, latter which carries a penalty of up to 5 years imprisonment upon conviction.

Persons with further information to contribute regarding these raids can contact Thurles Garda Station Tel: (0504) 25100, or the Garda Confidential Line Tel: 1800 666 111.


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