
Save Our Tipperary Communities

CarCrimeMr Francis Burke (Organising Secretary of “Save Our Local Community”), reports.

A new organisation, made up of members of the farming community, various businesses and householders, have recently come together to form a new organisation entitled “Save Our Local Community”. This organisation have now called a public meeting for Thursday evening next; with crime investigative journalist Mr Paul Williams as acting Chairperson.

This meeting is expected to discuss in detail criminal acts and their possible solutions to an unprecedented wave of rural crime which has hit the communities in and around the Thurles area and indeed the county of Tipperary as a whole, particularly over the past year.

Time and Place of Meeting

Note: As already stated this meeting will take place on Thursday next, October 8th, in the Anner Hotel, Dublin Road, Thurles, beginning at 8:00pm sharp. While everyone is invited to attend, the actual victims of recent crimes are particularly welcome and will be given a voice, and; while Councillors and Politicians are also welcome to attend; same are being asked to take on the role as that of ‘listener’, rather than ‘speaker’.

Organising Secretary of “Save Our Local Community”, Mr Francis Burke stated that both he and his colleagues are adamant that this summoned public meeting should in no way be mistaken as a criticism of our valued, dedicated local police force, rather it should be observed as a failure by authorities to provide the necessary resources to protect our rural communities.

Amongst those expected to attend this event will be Assistant Garda Commissioner Mr Jack Nolan, Chief Superintendent Catherine Kehoe and other available members of An Garda Síochána.


4 comments to Save Our Tipperary Communities

  • Aidan Costigan

    Good initiative needs official backing. Apart from the dishonesty of shutting the garda stations, which was presented at the time as making the force more efficient or compact, but if the gardaí aren’t up to the job why are we paying for an army too; if not to protect the people. The army should have the logistical ability and the equipment to deal with the problem. Were they not used in the Limerick gang situation,and if some people who officially claim the dole as their profession can’t explain how they have high powered jeeps and get away cars they should be immediately confiscated by the criminal assets bureau if they are doing their job as well as any other unexplained property as most ordinary people have to present paperwork for what they have in terms of vehicles and machinery. For example, also if some sections of the community claim they are being unfairly represented in all this well the percentage of such sections of the community in jail should be taken into account as to how much they might be represented there as an accurate reflection. Politicians talk about restoring confidence economically well public confidence needs to be restored in this area too. It is not as if it is a different area as theft and violence are very negative economic factors and combine as a national emergency if that term has any meaning. It is unfair after working people have been economically hammered that they have to put up what is in effect a terrorist campaign by criminals causing terror deliberately as part of their modus operandi. Something has to be done about it now not said to be done at some politically opportune time in the future probably postponed again in some figure juggling exercise.

  • Ellen Hanna

    A day before your meeting a well-known farmer was in his local co-op shop. Another man saw him and left immediately. This farmer and his wife lived up a long lane. Within a few minutes the second man drove up the lane in a WHITE van and knocked on the door. The woman answered and he told her the name of her husband – said husband required money for a bag of nuts. She got her wallet and asked how much – “18 euro,” he said. She gave him twenty Euro expecting to get €2 back. He turned as if searching. When he had gone she realised that not only had he the €20 but he had taken her wallet containing €600 that they were keeping for to pay another bill. This woman is a nervous person, but now she is shattered!

  • George Willoughby

    Yes Ellen, They watch and this is their regular method of finding out where you might be keeping any money in your home.

  • Ellen Hanna

    Hope things are going better for you now. You might not realise this because you live a long way from the border, but thousands of Gardaí were employed on check-points 24-7 up till recent times on an estimated 140 mile area. The government is now short-changing the people – it is a bit like the IFA debate at the top just now.

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