
Tom Semple – The Thurles Blues – Book Launch


Author Liam Ó Donnchú’s long-awaited biography of ‘Tom Semple and The Thurles Blues’  will, I am happy to relate, be launched at the Thurles Sarsfields Centre, (beside Semple Stadium, Thurles), on Saturday June 13th at 8:00 p.m.

Tom Semple, a GAA icon and whose name is immortalised in the name “Semple Stadium” here in Thurles, is synonymous worldwide with the game of hurling, having led the legendary ‘Thurles Blues’ to All-Ireland glory in 1906 and 1908.

The Book’s Contents:
This well researched publication will discuss in great detail these earlier heroes of the ‘camán’ (Irish: Hurl), together with Tom Semple’s training regime and tactics. Readers can follow ‘The Blues’ on their amazing tour in 1910 to Brussels in Belgium and historic Fontenoy in France. They can also learn the fascinating story of the early years of the Thurles Sports field; now Semple Stadium, and how same developed into today’s ‘Field of Legends’. They can observe the role played by Tomas Semple and others in the local War of Independence and which is also detailed in this hardback publication; containing more than 400 truly well researched and fascinating pages.

The book is beautifully illustrated throughout and offers new insights, in many cases erased through time, into the life and times of a yesteryear.

Note: All are welcome to attend this book-launch and books costing €30 will be available from bookshops in Tipperary or signed copies can be ordered by post (€35) from the author: Liam Ó Donnchú, Lár na Páirce, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The burial place of Tom Semple can be located in the grounds (north side) of St Mary’s Churchyard, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, close to St Mary’s Famine Museum.


2 comments to Tom Semple – The Thurles Blues – Book Launch

  • Annie O'Brien

    Jim (Hawk) O’Brien – goalkeeper for the Thurles Blues in 1906 and 1908 was my grandfather, but we know very little about him. His son Patrick (my dad) moved to England at a young age for work and as far as we know his father had already passed away. My dad, Patrick Joseph O’Brien from Thurles, emigrated to Australia in 1972, and sadly passed away in 1992. I live in Australia, and am about to become a grandmother for the first time and would dearly love to know more about my grandfather, Jim, so that I can share his story with the next generation. If anyone from Thurles can provide any information, we would be very grateful.
    Thank you, Annie O’Brien.

  • Liam Ó Donnchú

    Hi Annie
    Yes you grandfather was the famous goalkeeper for the Thurles Blues. The book Tom Semple and the Thurles Blues will be of great interest to you as it contains much information and photographs of your grandfather and all the players of that era. Many photographs and accounts of life in Thurles are included along with details of Thurles during the War of Independence and the story of Semple Stadium. Books costing €30 are available from local bookshops or online from or
    Best wishes
    Liam Ó Donnchú

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