
Vehicle In Collision With Thurles Cathedral Entrance

A motor vehicle was in collision with the entrance to the Cathedral of the Assumption this morning, shortly before 11.00a.m.  It is understood that the vehicle was crossing this busy stretch of narrow roadway when the driver lost control, colliding with one of this buildings ancient pedestrian gate pillars.

We are happy to report that the driver of the vehicle, who was examined by members of an attending ambulance crew, despite shock, was none the worse for the ordeal and was released from the scene into the care of family members, a short time later.

Work has now commenced to stabilise the gate pillar together with its attached railings. Thurles Gardaí and Fire Officers remain at the scene to ensure the area is rendered safe to the public.

Traffic and pedestrians in this area are being asked to show due care and attention when traversing the Cathedral Street area of Thurles.


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