
Templemore-Thurles Municipal District Grant Schemes 2015

Contributions to Clubs and Organisations Grant Scheme – Templemore Thurles Municipal District 2015.


Mr Seamus Hanafin

Tipperary County Councillor Mr Seamus Hanafin wishes to inform the public that applications are being invited from Residents Associations, Sports Clubs (Latter for the provision of playing facilities for young people) and other Voluntary Groups, to avail of funding, soon to be made available in the Templemore-Thurles Municipal District.

This Grant Aid will not include funding for Tidy Towns groups, Burial Grounds or Festival Committees, under this particular scheme.

Templemore-Thurles Municipal District

The Templemore-Thurles Municipal District consists of the electoral divisions of Aghnameadle, Ballycahill, Ballymurreen, Borrisnafarney, Borrisnoe, Borrisoleigh, Bourney East, Bourney West, Buolick, Clogher, Drom, Fennor, Gaile, Glenkeen, Gortkelly, Holycross, Inch, Kilcooly, Killavinoge, Killea, Kilrush, Littleton, Longfordpass, Loughmore, Moyaliff, Moycarky, Moyne, Rahelty, Rathnaveoge, Roscrea, Templemore, Templetouhy, Thurles Rural, Thurles Urban, Timoney, Two-Mile-Borris, Upperchurch.

Application forms can be obtained on line by downloading from HERE or by calling directly to the Templemore-Thurles Municipal District Offices, at Slievenamon Road, Thurles, Co Tipperary.

Note: The closing date for receipt of all completed application forms is Friday,  March 13th, 2015.
All applicants should note that this allocation of funding relates to 2015 only and is no guarantee of funding into the future .


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