
Gardaí Renew Warning To Thurles Consumers

garda crestGardaí here in Thurles have renewed an earlier warning this month to consumers, particularly those shopping in Supermarkets, to be extra vigilant with regard to securing their purchases and motor vehicles.

Thieves are actively targeting vehicles parked in car park areas in such outlets, both here in Thurles and other Tipperary towns. Thieves are watching shoppers who have placed their purchases into their cars and while returning their trolley to a nearby appropriate trolley bay; seconds later return to find items have been stolen, because car doors have remained unlocked. In most cases the consumer has already returned to their place of residence before these thefts are actually discovered.

Thieves are well aware that with most vehicles fitted with central locking; lights flash when a vehicle has been fully secured.  With no flashing lights observed, immediately consumers become an easy target and in crowded car parks your shopping can vanish without trace within seconds.

Several consumers have already had expensive commodities removed from vehicles at the car park of Aldi Supermarket in Kickham Street, Thurles in the run up to Christmas, with the thieves targeting, in particular, groceries, clothing, alcohol and shoppers handbags.

Thefts from unsecured vehicles have been reported as also occurring, under similar situations, at car parks in Nenagh and Roscrea over the past number of weeks.

Gardaí are asking people to please take the time to fully secure their vehicles, even if only away from same for a matter of seconds.


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