
Thurles Gardaí Warn Of Confidence Tricksters At Work

gardaGardaí in Thurles are once again warning householders to be on the lookout for a male confidence trickster operating in the Thurles area, following the latest in a spate of such incidents which happened yesterday in Thurles.

Gardaí describe the trickster as being of medium height, clean shaven, with sallow skin and brown hair. The culprit is understood to be aged somewhere between 25 and 40 years and as of yesterday was wearing blue jeans and a black and red t-shirt. He was also wearing around his neck, what appeared to be an identification tag; the sort used by those perhaps attending conferences or worn by security officers at pop concerts.

The man called to a number of houses in the Kickham Street area of Thurles yesterday and succeeded in gaining access to at least one home, claiming to be a plain clothed Garda investigating a recent incident in the area. During this visit he succeeded in stealing a sum of money.

This incident is the just the latest in a spate of such incidents in Co Tipperary in recent weeks where such confidence tricksters have targeted the homes of mainly elderly people, however investigating Gardaí at this stage are unable to confirm if these similar incidents are linked or if the work of a larger gang.

In a more recent case in Thurles the culprit claimed to be from Irish Water and sought permission to check water pressure in taps and radiators.

Speaking to Thurles.Info early this morning, Thurles Gardaí advise all home owners to be more alert when admitting unknown individuals into their homes and are asking those so approached to immediately call their nearest Garda station and report all such suspicious behaviour.

Thurles Gardaí are anxious to speak to anyone with information regarding these incidents. Call Thurles Gardaí at Tel: 0504-25100, the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666111 or indeed any Garda Station.

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