
Financial Rewards Offered For Job Creation In Tipperary

Tipperary County Council is inviting community organisations to attend an information evening in Cashel, Co. Tipperary, tomorrow Wednesday May 7th. Its purpose, to announce opportunities for local Tipperary communities to engage with ConnectIreland.

But who are ConnectIreland I hear you ask?  Please view self explanatory video hereunder.

NOTE; This information event will be held in Brú Ború, Cashel at 7.00pm sharp, tomorrow May 7th.

ConnectIreland is, as shown, delivering a programme whereby the Irish government will financially reward any ‘Connectors’ who are in a position to introduce an internationally expanding company to Ireland. As shown if that company goes on to establish part of its operations in Ireland and employs people, a financial reward of €1,500 for each job (minimum of 3 jobs) up to a maximum of €150,000 which will be payable to the ‘Connector.’

The reason for this information meeting is to inform local people about the opportunities existing to assist in creating jobs in our much neglected county or indeed anywhere else in Tipperary / Thurles / Ireland. As you have observed, large financial rewards will accrue to any individual / community group etc. that can engage and attract any manufacturing investors from abroad.

Those addressing the meeting tomorrow evening will include North Tipperary Co Manager Mr Joe MacGrath and Mr John Delaney, CEO of the Football Association of Ireland (FAI).

Details of the opportunities accruing from this programme will be fully outlined and information will be provided on all prospects for local community groups or other organisations becoming involved in Tipperary, as to future financial reward.

Refreshments will be served to all attendees on arrival.


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