
Thurles Hosts Fine Gael’s Tipperary Local Election Campaign

Thurles hosted the official launch of Fine Gael’s Tipperary local election campaign.

It was standing room only for the official launch of Fine Gael’s Tipperary local election campaign held at the Anner Hotel, here in Thurles on Friday night last.

With 23 candidates, the Fine Gael party is very confident that it has brought together the best possible team to represent Tipperary’s diverse communities. With the creation of the newly integrated Tipperary authority running alongside five municipal districts it is vital that a strong unified voice is heard in order that the council can continue to achieve its stated objectives.

Fine Gael, as a major partner in government, is best placed in creating synergies with Tipperary County Council by having as many elected representatives on the council, thereby creating a partnership that can only benefit Tipperary in both the short and long term.

The launch was held in conjunction with the Fine Gael Constituency Annual General Meeting (AGM) and was opened by Constituency Chairman Mr Michael Harty. Michael outlined the enormous amount of work and co-operation carried out by local party officers in ensuring the seamless transition from North and South Ridings and uniting them into a single authority. Special thanks was given to Lucy McCormack, Constituency Secretary for the trojan work undertaken by her personally in this process.

North Tipperary’s Mr Noel Conan TD addressed the local issues facing Tipperary such as infrastructure and unemployment and wished all of the candidates well in the forthcoming local elections. South Tipperary Minister Mr Tom Hayes TD spoke about national policy and the difficult decisions that have to be taken whether locally or nationally in safeguarding the new found stability and growth.

Mr Simon Harris, MEP candidate for Ireland South and representatives for both Mr Sean Kelly and M/s Deirdre Clune also addressed the meeting.
The night concluded with a sense of determination that no stone would be left unturned in the pursuit of representing the people of Tipperary.


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