
Men’s Shed Meeting Called For Thurles

M/s Mary Ryan, current acting Secretary of the Thurles branch of St Vincent de Paul reports:

A public meeting to set up a “Men’s Shed” for Thurles will be held on Thursday March 20th at 4.00pm. The venue for this meeting will be the St Vincent de Paul office, situated at Upper Parnell Street, Thurles, (Same located beside the entrance to St Mary’s Hospital opposite Scoil Ailbe).

Local Councillor Mrs Evelyn Nevin, latter involved on the organising committee for the setting up of a Thurles Men’s Shed Association, is pleading for all men in Thurles and its environs who are retired, unemployed or who have just a few hours of spare time on their hands, to attend at this meeting with a totally open mind.

Evelyn-NevinCouncillor Nevin stated; “Becoming a member of a Community Men’s Shed gives men a safe and busy environment, in an atmosphere of friendship, where they could have a chat or just a ‘cuppa,’ if latter is all they are seeking and all without any social or other pressures.”

Men’s Shed Association also see the passing on of skills, both traditional and new, as a key aspect of any future membership. Each man would see himself both as a teacher and a student, in any future such set-up in the Thurles area. Properly supported, each individual already possess varying degrees of professional and practical skills, which in turn, if shared, would encourage huge local community learning possibilities. The success of all of this is that each man will bring his own particular individuality, his skills or indeed lack of same, to such a group, same which would be fully respected and fully acknowledged, together with a clear anti – bullying policy. Any future such association formed would not be affiliated to any political or religious grouping, Councillor Nevin continued.

So what really is “Men’s Shed” I hear you ask?

The Irish Men’s Shed Association was set up in January 2011 with the purpose of supporting the development and sustainability of “Men’s Shed” on the Island of Ireland.

A “Men’s Shed” is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men of all ages come together, at will, to undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities and all at their own pace.

As stated Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of their age, their background or ability and is a place where men can share their skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills and develop old skills.
New members are always welcome and can be assured that there is something of interest for everyone as the men have complete ownership of their “Shed” and projects and decide their own program of events without any outside interference.

One particular and important objective of “Men’s Shed” is also to enhance or maintain the well-being of those participating.

Remember Meeting Date: Thursday, March 20th at 4.00pm.


1 comment to Men’s Shed Meeting Called For Thurles

  • Katie.

    Mary. ‘The Men’s shed’ is a great idea. We have them here all over the Coast. And I can assure you it does give the men a safe and busy environment and its amazing how much skill there is among them. But don’t forget the women folk enjoy some well deserved and precious time and space for themselves while the Men folk are having such a great time. I know some of our ex-pats here who go to ‘The Men’s Shed’ and thoroughly enjoy themselves along with passing on some great skills to others. Some are now on there own and’ The Men’s Shed’ is a great place for them to meet new friends.
    Councillor Nevin must be congratulated for her great efforts. Hope the meeting for March 20th will be a great success. So come on men folk and show your support for such a great scheme. Thurles deserves this. St. Vincent De Paul here also have a great scheme going whereby they go to elderly people’s houses once a month and cut lawns and do garden tidy up for a very small fee. The Government makes up the rest. Bless them.

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