
Support Thurles.Info

In the next few weeks the website will have been viewed by over 1 Million people (See viewing stats at very bottom of Home Page) at home and around the world. Unfortunately however, like any other website, we also have overheads; e.g. server hosting, phone costs, regular website maintenance and of course.. our time.

A strong community website like Thurles.Info is something special in our community. It keeps you informed of news locally at home and perhaps more importantly it keeps our emigrants abroad informed of local developments as well. In reading our website you can enjoy a laugh, learn the latest news, view the latest weather, review our local history, view our local sports activities and of course upcoming events. We take no government funding whatsoever, we have never run annoying adverts and yet we tirelessly support local businesses and other community interests in the Thurles area.

Question: So how can Thurles.Info survive?
Answer: We won’t… unless we have your help. At a bare minimum, needs about €700 annually to keep our head above water. We have been around for 5 years now and if we hope to survive into the future we will need your support and generosity. We are asking our readers to consider donating a small amount of money to help keep online.

Each of you can help now by donating a small amount of money by using the Donate Button above. Help to keep us online for another year, so we can continue promoting the community of Thurles, to the world!

Thank you for your much needed support.


1 comment to Support Thurles.Info

  • Katie.

    George. Of course we will help from the expats here on the Gold Coast. George we have so many expats from Thurles and surrounding area’s who rely on Thurles Information to here what is happening at home.
    I have said to our group so many times. George is our encyclopaedia and without Thurles Information our expats would never know what is going on at home. George there is not a week goes by that some member wants to know something from home. And you are the only one I will or can turn to for that information. I can’t thank you enough for that George. I am now been asked on a daily basis about retirement villages in and around Thurles. I know George you are the person to help me with that information. There is a lot of misinformation on this subject ‘retiring in Ireland’ going around. I will be in touch soon George.

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