
Thurles Water Shut Off Notice

North Tipperary’s very necessary water-mains conservation project currently being undertaken here in Thurles presently, is progressing with military-like precision as our high definition “Time Lapse,” video demonstrates. As you can observe there can be no accusations of men leaning on shovels staring into holes expressed here. Well done to the professional team of workers involved.

(A special thanks to Daniel & Dwans Hardware, Cathedral Street, Thurles, for sharing their daytime HD security footage with us.)

Water Shut Off Notification For Kickham Street

David Walsh Civil Engineering Ltd, the company contracted by North Tipperary County Council to lay this new water-main, together with associated connections here in Thurles town, have proposed a time and date of a water shut off that may affect your home or business premises.

Shut down of water the supply on Kickham Street is set for Tuesday afternoon on October 1st next beginning at 2:00pm.

This shut off should not be in place for any more than six hours and will be kept to a bare minimum. Patience and understanding therefore, for this necessary maintenance work, is very much appreciated by the company involved. So remember to fill up the kettle, bucket, bottle etc to ensure your private supply is maintained during  this period specified.

Remember the tank in your attic will possibly be sufficient to meet your afternoon needs, but a little extra stored will ensure there is enough for cooking the bacon and cabbage, provided of course you stay away from the washing machine and the shower or bath,

All other additional information can be obtained from the company by contacting Tel: 059-9144448 or Mobile: 087-6918071.


2 comments to Thurles Water Shut Off Notice

  • Joseph

    I do not see the purpose of this video on the website and furthermore is it legal to show? Is it not and invasion of privacy?

  • George Willoughby

    The legal rules governing photography and video are quite clear Joseph and are as follows:
    (1) Anyone in a public place can take pictures of anything they want. Public places include Parks, Roads & Pavements and surprisingly also Shopping Centres.
    (2) If you are on public property, you can take pictures of private property. If a building, for example, is visible from the pavement, same can be photographed.
    (3) People can be photographed if they are in public without their consent, unless they have secluded themselves and can expect a reasonable degree of privacy: e.g. Kids swimming in the fountain in Liberty Square – Okay. Somebody entering their PIN code at an ATM – Not okay.

    Sensitive government buildings e.g. Military bases, Nuclear facilities, Certain airports, are not, if deemed a threat to National Security.
    Note: Thurles Town is presently installing CCTV in all of its public areas, as indeed have already most businesses, to counteract theft from stock & cash registers.

    The purpose of this video is as stated; to demonstrate the speed & professionalism by which this team of contractors are carrying out their very difficult job of work.

    I am reminded of the joke:-
    A woman phoned her male neighbour and said: “Close your curtains the next time you & your wife are making love. The whole street were watching and laughing at you yesterday.”
    To which the man replied: “Well the joke’s on all of you, because I wasn’t even at home yesterday.”

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