
Thurles Resident Assaulted During Weekend Robbery

gardaNews just in indicates that a Thurles resident was seriously assaulted at his home on Sunday last.

Mr Patrick Carey, a well known and respected race horse trainer and resident of Killinan, here in Thurles, was serious assaulted, resulting in him having to be sent to South Tipperary General Hospital in Clonmel, as a consequence of his injuries.

We are happy to report that Mr Carey has since been released from hospital.

The assault is understood to have taken place when Mr Carey, aged in his sixties, returned home unexpectedly to find two men raiding his private property.

The men seriously assaulted Mr Carey before removing items of value from his person.

Thurles Gardaí, as part of their investigations, are now understood to have been quick to arrest two men in relation to this occurrence and both accused, who are known to police locally, are expected to appear before Thurles District Court in relation to this incident.


4 comments to Thurles Resident Assaulted During Weekend Robbery

  • Michael

    When they are caught will they physically suffer like Mr Carey did? If not change the law TODAY.

  • George Willoughby

    No doubt about it Michael our Judicial System badly needs to be overhauled. Punishment must match the crime committed.

  • Deirdre

    Our Judicial System is a joke and trust me, I know unfortunately at first hand. (My own son went off the rails after being targeted by the druggies) The druggie criminals of this town (Most of us know who they are) roped my then young 14 yr old son into a druggie world when he was a vulnerable teenager. I was living in Monakeeba at the time with NO way out, I put my house up for sale, to try to get him away, but to this date I’ve had NO offers. My son is at present in situ courtesy of the State, doing time for that which he had to take the fall (because the so called big guns threatened us, his Mam, little brother and big sister, with untold acts of depravity and violence, if he did not comply). The real offender, a son of a well known drug pusher in the Monakeeba area is roaming free as a bird around town and even has the neck to salute me. My son has been in prison for the past 7 yrs to protect his family and the local Gardaí turned a blind eye to the facts, but if I even looked crooked at the TRUE criminal I’d be in situ with MY SON. It is a f..king joke, just like the “Wa.kerbankers” and our “So Called Govt.”

  • Michael

    Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.


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