
Further Roads To Close In Thurles

Archerstown Bridge

Archerstown Bridge

Further temporary road closures have been announced for Thurles under the Roads Act 1993 – 2007 (Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993).

Notice has been given by North Tipperary County Council, making an Order closing the Mill Road at the Archerstown Bridge from the Archerstown Industrial Estate entrance and the Galboola Road.

The period of this closure is expected to be for two weeks with effect from August 19th 2013 until September 6th 2013.

During the stated two weeks these aforementioned roads will remain impassable to all vehicles on a 24 hour basis, while reconstruction work in this area remains ongoing.

The purpose of this closure, same which is unavoidable, is to facilitate the rehabilitation of the Archerstown Bridge, latter which was last year found to be in a dangerous and rapidly deteriorating condition.

Full diversions will be in place and clearly sign posted.

Residents are invited to use alternative routes via the N75 and N62, L4107, L4111, L8009 and L8008.


6 comments to Further Roads To Close In Thurles

  • Willie Collins

    Residents are invited to use alternative routes via the N75 and N62, L4107, L4111, L8009 and L8008.
    While this suggestion may make sense to the Council Engineer I wonder how many people living in the Littleton Archestown Mill Road have any idea what these numbers refer to.
    It would be helpful if a more practical suggestion was given.
    Great website
    Congrats George

  • George Willoughby

    Thanks Willie, glad you enjoy the site.
    For the benefit of those who may be strangers in the area the N62 road is from Thurles passing Thurles Golf Club, passing Pouldine school to the village of Horse & Jockey. The N75 Road is the Dublin Rd out of Thurles past the Anner Hotel. The minor roads mentioned, being used to skirt around this road closure are well known to locals residents and since directional signs are promised to be put in place it is hardly worth the time & effort to identify same.
    “Out of Towners,” will enter Thurles from the N8 via Horse & Jockey or N8 at the The Turnpike anyway, where no closures are in place at present. It certainly won’t be a problem for tourists since none now visit here any-more.

  • Katie.

    George. We always said you were our encyclopaedia. George I was asked where is Loughbeg but I am not sure if I have the right answer. I think it is some where in Two Mile Borris. George can you enlightening me if this is right or not.

  • George Willoughby

    Katie See!q=Loughbeg%2C+North+Tipperary&data=!1m4!1m3!1d30290!2d-7.7650852!3d52.6748105!4m10!1m9!4m8!1m3!1d15142!2d-7.8061867!3d52.6832516!3m2!1i1054!2i601!4f13.1
    It is the townsland boxed in on the N75 (Dublin Rd out of Thurles).
    Your E-Mail address arrived – not a problem at this end.
    Hit the plus sign bottom right, or drive along the road by clicking earth icon on bottom of page left to revive old memories. Use circle Wheel bottom right to drive the route – click the roadway ahead as you go. Enjoy

  • Katie.

    George. Thanks for the information. Just great. I now have it on my favourites’ with Mary Duff singing in the back ground. “Just Loving you.” How did Jane Ryan get on with the Ryan clan. Hope to catch up with her soon.

  • Jane reports that plans are going nicely. Hotels /B and B’s report that they are getting plenty of feedback through enquiries. Will let you know more after next weekend.

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