
Revenue Search Home Of Michael Lowry

Revenue Commissioners

Revenue Commissioners

According to a report on the website, Revenue officials have carried out a search of the home of Independent Dail Deputy Mr Michael Lowry.

While a Revenue spokeswoman stated that the Revenue Commissioners would not comment on any individual cases, it is understood that officials called to his private home situated at Holycross, Co Tipperary, on Tuesday last.

It is also understood that a premises in Dublin was also visited as part of this search operation.

A former Chairman of the Fine Gael party, Mr Lowry also held the post of Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications between 1994 and 1996. Following revelations concerning certain aspects of his business affairs, he then resigned his Ministry in 1996, in some controversy.

Deputy Lowry was re-elected to represent the constituency of Tipperary North in the 2011 general election, heading the poll on the 1st count with 14,010 votes.

This same newspaper report states, that the Deputy could not be contacted for comment at either his Holycross home or his Thurles Constituency Office.


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