
Denis Kinane Motors Thurles Celebrate 38 Successful Years

Today, Denis Kinane Motors, situated at Stradavoher, Thurles, here in Co. Tipperary, celebrate their 38th birthday.

It was on this day 38 years ago that Denis Kinane, a certified motor mechanic, decided to rent a small property from the now late Mr Sean McDonnell. Previously Denis Kinane had earned the deserved reputation, as he himself humbly states, “knowing my way around under the hood of just about any make & model of car.

Cars, in the seventies, largely relied solely on mechanical parts, which then unlike today, had little sophisticated electronic parts and certainly no computer diagnostic systems to find an engine fault. It was this innate ability, by Denis, to not just quickly diagnose an engine problem, but to deliver the repaired vehicle on schedule as promised, that quickly identified him as the number one motor shop for business men and women operating locally.

Over the first 10 years Denis Kinane’s success and popularity as a mechanic would lead him to venture into the used car market and eventually into purchasing his occupied rented property, of some ten years previous. Following this purchase Denis began to upgrade his then existing building structures on site and erect one the first ‘Car Showrooms,’ then in existence in rural Ireland.

His attention to exact detail, cleanliness & the attractiveness to the eye of his property led him to winning the Thurles Tidy Towns Business Award three years in succession from 1996 to 1998 inclusive. It is not therefore surprising that those who attend regular Honda Dealership conferences this year will see images of Denis Kinane Motors (Honda) Thurles appear on large electric projector screens and white boards, encouraging other dealerships respectfully, both here and in Europe, to kindly follow in his footsteps.

So Why A Honda Dealership?

In 1990, Denis Kinane Motors sought and won the right to operate a Honda Dealership in Thurles. “Why Honda,”? I asked. The reply came from Denis quickly and without hesitation. “Best product, most reliable car on the market today, sell one and you will never see it again, until it requires its standard annual service,” he states with utmost conviction.

Secret Of Successful Business

With so many motor dealerships failing during the recession, which has cast a dark cloud over the Ireland of the past few years, I asked Denis what was his secret to running such a successful motor dealership.

Denis stated “The secret to good business dealings have not changed one single iota, since I began trading 38 years ago. Management involved in the motor industry today need more knowledge than their local Doctor. The human body for the most part remains the same, but the automotive industry is constantly moving forward at the same rapid pace as other technology. These changes are forcing mechanics to remain open to constantly updating their level of knowledge. Denis Kinane Motors and its current workforce possess a passionate curiosity within the motor industry, offering full attention to detail and passing this onto our consumers through their friendliness, diplomacy, discretion and good ‘plain to be seen,’ value for money. These remain essentially the required traits of any successful business enterprise.

Happy Birthday Denis Kinane Motors (Honda) and continued success into the future.


2 comments to Denis Kinane Motors Thurles Celebrate 38 Successful Years

  • Michael

    Happy Birthday Denis. I remember when you came to Thurles to work, what seems like 100 years ago, close to where you are now. You are going well, keep it up.

  • Margo

    Congratulations and happy birthday Denis! You have and continue to run an incredible business. Wishing you many more happy and successful years.

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