
Roadside Trading & Bucket Collections To Cease

Roadside-selling Tipperary farmers state that they are strongly opposed to any  proposals by the National Roads Authority (NRA) to ban the selling of farm produce at the roadside.

These, mostly seasonal, trading stands sell mostly fresh strawberries, apples, jams and new potatoes.

In their latest road strategy, the RSA propose introducing new legislation to totally prohibit what they identify as “High Risk Activities,” on the roadside. This activity includes the selling or marketing of farm produce and localised charitable bucket collections.

The RSA’s latest road safety strategy entitled, ‘Closing the Gap‘ and whose aim is to reduce the number of road deaths in Ireland to 124 each year by 2020, down from 162 fatalities in 2012, is seen as yet another daily attempt by Government to turn this country into a servile Nanny Republic.

Members of the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) state that the selling of fresh fruit and vegetables at the roadside was an important income for those farmers involved and same had never, in the past, constituted any safety concern whatsoever with those traders implicated in such activities.


1 comment to Roadside Trading & Bucket Collections To Cease

  • Pat

    The RSA and Government are permanently trying to cut down on accidents & fatalities on our roads, yet no one wants to address the situation in this country where provisional licence drivers get a provisional licence and drive on our roads unaccompanied. This does not happen in any other country. The roadside stalls selling fresh produce has nothing to do with this. Gaybo stick to what you think you know, telly, at least then we can switch you off.

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