
Allegiance – The Night That Possibly Changed History

collins-chhillWritten by Mary Kenny and soon to be performed at The Source Theatre Thurles, “Allegiance,” is a dramatization of reported events that possibly did change Irish history.

In 1921 Eamon de Valera ordered Michael Collins under sufferance, to travel to London, with the Irish delegation, his task to negotiate a Treaty that followed the truce in the Irish War of Independence.

Winston Churchill was then the Colonial Secretary in charge of Ireland and the two men met, equally prepared to totally detest one another. Yet, at a point when the Treaty talks seemed to be in deadlock, both Churchill and Collins spent a night drinking together in Churchill’s London home, both arguing, singing & reciting poetry. In the play, both men recount & compare family memories, Collins smiling at the memory of the elderly father he worshipped, Churchill blubbering on his own fond memories experienced prior to the death of his young daughter.

They both are to emerge from this encounter with high regard for each other & following this event Winston Churchill appears to soften somewhat his attitudes towards Ireland, thus giving Michael Collins and the Irish Free State, the latter he represented, greater support.

The play is a moving portrait of two great leaders who began as antagonists, yet at a certain level came to respect one another, each recognizing the leadership qualities of the other. Not many people are aware that Churchill had as many links as Collins to north County Kerry, having spent his childhood summers as his cousins’ estate at Tarbert House.

This play has previously had a very successful run in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2006, starring Mel Smith as Churchill with Michael Fassbender reprising the role of his direct descendant Michael Collins.
This is a superb and very entertaining play and promises to engage the audience right from its very commencement.

Date: Thursday 7th March 8.00pm, for one night only.
Cost: Tickets €16/€14 concession.

So why not make a night of it and come early to enjoy a meal or bar bites at The Source Café from 7.00pm?  Ring Matt on Tel No: 0504-58858 for more details. The Source Bar will also be open from 7.00pm.

For bookings click HERE or ring the Source Box Office on Tel No: 0504-90204.


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