
Rocket Launchers Seized In Tipperary

rocket-launcherAs a result of major surveillance by Gardaí, three suspected members of the Real IRA, aged in their early 30s, have been intercepted, while in possession of four rocket launchers & explosives, possibly for delivery to South Armagh in Northern Ireland.

Armed detectives last night stopped two cars, one which contained the weapons, outside of Clonmel (N24) as they were travelling towards Cahir, in Co Tipperary.

Two of the suspects are understood to be brothers and all are believed to be from the Limerick city area. The third suspect is understood to be in charge of a Real IRA cell, latter which has been highly active in the south-west of the country in the past year.

All those arrested are regarded as ‘renegades,’ who in recent months switched allegiance between varied dissident factions, but currently described as operating under the umbrella of the Real IRA. This detection follows weeks of surveillance involving members of the Special Branch, the National Surveillance Unit & Emergency Response Unit.

One suspect is known to have been involved, in the past, in an extortion racket in Limerick and all three are suspected to have been behind the production of pipe bombs, located in Murroe village last December.

The suspects are being questioned at Clonmel & Cahir under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act, latter which allows Gardaí to detain individuals, without charge, for up to three days and forensic and ballistic experts will now fully examined this significant seizure.


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