
Noel Coonan Welcomes Funding for Tipperary Roads

Deputy Noel Coonan TD

Deputy Noel Coonan TD

North Tipperary Fine Gael TD Noel Coonan has welcomed the announcement by his colleague, Transport Minister Leo Varadkar, of €2.6m for road maintenance and improvement works in North Tipperary. The corresponding figure for South Tipperary is €1.13m.

“The road allocations are made by the National Roads Authority to Local Authorities for National Roads in 2013. This is separate to the allocations made for regional and local roads which will be announced in the coming week,” said the local Fine Gael TD.

“Many necessary road works will be carried out as a result of this funding and same is welcome news as we head into severe Winter weather. There is more funding in the pipeline for local roads showing a commitment by this Government to improve road services. A total of €2m will go towards improvement works in North Tipperary. This includes construction works on the N62 junction of Templemore Road and CuChulainn Road Thurles, design work on the N52/N65 Borrisokane junction, bridge rehabilitations, realignment works at N52 Congour/Ballyluskey, repairs on the N52 Ballyloughnane and repair overlay Parnell St and Cúchulainn Road,” said Deputy Coonan.

“€635,726 is going towards route lighting, motorway and winter maintenance in North Tipperary and in €770,937 South Tipperary. Routes that will benefit from improvement works in South Tipperary include N24 Ballinderry Bend, Toureen Cross, N74 Thomastown traffic calming scheme,” continued the local TD.


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