
Tipperary Man Shot Dead In Golden

Chapel Lane, Golden, Co. Tipperary.

A man was shot dead at 6.45 am this morning at a house on Chapel Lane in the village of Golden, Co Tipperary  approximately 30 km from Thurles.  The victim, Mr Shane Rossiter, died later after being rushed to hospital in Clonmel. Mr Rossiter became the 14th victim of gun crime this year to date.

The scene of the incident was quickly sealed off and the State Pathologist is due to undertake an a full examination today.

It is believed the victim, possibly aged in his thirties & who is from Clonmel, was shot in the stomach after answering a knock to his front door. Gardaí believe that up to two gunmen were involved in this incident and that they may have been looking for a second man, who was also staying at the house.  Latter is understood to have been a possible associate of Declan O’Reilly, a Dublin criminal, shot in a gangland execution last month & who had already received a death threat.

It is believed the deceased was well known to Gardaí, & had previously been convicted of drug dealing.

Gardaí are now appealing to anyone with information to contact them in confidence at Tipperary town Garda Station, on Telephone No 062-80670, or the Garda Confidential Line 1800-666-111 or indeed any other  Garda Station.

Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis.


2 comments to Tipperary Man Shot Dead In Golden

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    George, I don’t know if you or any of your readers have read the Irish Times lately. Its interesting?? I am finding the Peter Crosbie story, about fellow guards in Dublin, who had so little money left after paying the mortgage that they were sleeping in their cars outside the station because they couldn’t afford the petrol to drive home a bit of sour grapes we think, and I might add petrol prices here are a lot higher than Ireland. This fellow has emigrated to WA and has joined the WA police Academy in Joondalup Western Australia, I believe he married an Aussie some time ago and returned to Ireland and now back in Australia. He was supposed to have been in the Garda in Dublin, by the sounds of things Peter is already getting a swelled head like most of the Aussie Cops. George it never seems to amaze me why so many Irish emigrants find it “I suppose they think its funny” that they have to run Ireland down to get noticed. I was at a function the other day and this Irish man got up on stage mumbling how great Australia was and he had been on the Coast for 28 years and how he had made a lot more friends here than he had in Ireland so of course he got the laughs. It was at that point that one of my Irish ex-pats asked me to respond to his remark so I stood up and said in my broad Irish accent ‘La brea Brian’ well he looked stunned. I asked him what part of Ireland are you from Brian “Belfast” he replied in his strong Belfast accent and when did you emigrate to Australia, “When I was 16 years old, he said” now keep in mind Brian is now 84 years old, and moved to the Gold Coast 28 years ago from Sydney. With that answer I responded. Brian I am a pedigree Irish ‘coleen,’ myself and I come from the South of Ireland the most beautiful place in the world and I can assure you I have as many friends at home as I have here and I have been in Australia over 38 years spending all that time on the Gold Coast. Well George I got a standing ovation. Why is it George some Irish people think they need to put there own people down to get a laugh. Us Irish expats won’t have a bar of it. Australia is not all milk and honey one has to mind every cent they earn because when one gets to retirement age Australia does not cater for such people. Unless you have looked after your money one is left on the side line. It’s a must to have private health cover. I myself have just paid $16,000 for implants all 4 of them. I only took out private cover for hospital and not dentist when we came here a huge mistake. Of course George in those days one never thought they would get older. Make no mistake Australia is a very expensive country to live in and not all sunshine and beaches.

  • Pol Brian

    Katie, how has he got a swelled head and how is he running the country down if he is talking about his past experiences in the guards. How would you know? Only person who sounds bitter is you!

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