
Irish Consumers Struggle With Essential Monthly Bills

At least 47% of Irish consumers struggle to pay all of their bills on time & this figure has remained the same since April 2012.

TV license (17%), TV/ telecoms (8%), bin charges (7%), and electricity (7%) are the bills most likely to be ignored by consumers, while  44% of those who cannot pay their bills on time are worried.

This survey comes courtesy of the second Irish League of Credit Unions ‘What’s Left’ Tracker 2012.

The 12 most interesting facts uncovered in this CU survey’s report include:-

  • Irish consumers owe on average €1,100 on their personal Credit card.
  •  25% of credit card holders rely on their credit card to make ends meet each month.
  • 46% of those with a credit card do not actually know the interest rate charged on their card.
  • 1,820,000 people are left with just €100 or less each month, after all bills are paid.
  • 40% have borrowed to pay their household bills in the past 12 months, 10% using moneylenders
  • 69% of people have less disposable income than 12 months ago, according to the ILCU report.
  • Some 79% claim their electricity bills have increased in the past 12 months (€39 on average).
  • 75% claim that their gas bill has increased in the past 12 months (€40 on average).
  • 42% claim their cable TV bill has increased in the past 12 months (€8 on average).
  • 73% claim that their health insurance has increased in the past 12 months (€68 on average).
  • 40% of consumers have had to borrow to pay their household bills in the past 12 months.
  • Of this group, the largest proportion rely on financial help from family and friends, while 30% use the credit union, 10% rely on their bank and 10% on moneylenders.

Meanwhile Tipperary remains silent as Phil Hogan, (Yes see him of “Soft Loan Fame,”) who publicly admits (January 21st 2012Sun,’ newspaper) that his recent Household Charge is unjust, continues to pursue his ridiculous €100 + interest charges on the householders in County Tipperary who have not paid this inequitable charge (only 4 out of 10 paid) and are now being branded as “Unpatriotic.”

Meanwhile, talking about being “Unpatriotic,” the Dáil will rise on July 19th and won’t sit again until September 18th. The question must be asked “Why should politicians get 3 months holidays when 90% of the Irish work force will only get a mere 2 weeks?”  Politicians will argue that they work over the ‘Summer Recess.” Surely if this is true, they should not have any problem with having their holidays reduced, since it will make no difference to their busy work schedules. Hopefully someone will be watching their expenses sheets with regards to their “Summer Walk About.”

It is interesting to note that our less bankrupt friends across the water, in the Parliament of Westminster, will recess only from the 29th July to 6th September.


2 comments to Irish Consumers Struggle With Essential Monthly Bills

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    George. I cannot understand why you have to pay a TV License in Ireland. We don’t here in Australia. They did try and bring one in some years ago but it was voted down. Irish people stand up and be counted and do the same as the Aussies did. Its amazing how people power can work.!! The ACC here in Australia have started a campaign to have Electricity bills brought down lower, thousands have joined up todate. People power does work try it, you might be surprised people.

  • Michael

    Pat Kenny was getting more than the President of the USA. He’s only one of the highly paid RTE crowd. I’ll say no more.

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