
Tipperary Social Media For Business

An interesting Business and IT Conference (BIT Conf) is beginning shortly on July 12th 2012, at the Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, & just maybe of interest to business owners and managers from Thurles, seeking information on how to integrate IT correctly, into the day-to-day running of their businesses.

Customers are attracted to online shopping and advertising, not only because of the high level of convenience, but also because of the broader selection & competitive pricing, which is so easily available presently, in the ease & privacy of consumers own private living rooms. It is worth noting that the most popular items attracting online customers over the past 3 months, benefiting businesses using proper advertising and marketing strategies are Clothing/Accessories/Shoes (36%), Videos / DVDs / Games (24%), Books (41%), Airline Tickets (24%) and Electronic Equipment (23%).

The knowledge gleaned from this conference would allow you to create new advertising and marketing strategies, improve work flow and productivity, and build better channels of communication, through better contact with both client and customer.

The first of a series of these talks on “Social Media for Business” will focus on the use of social media and the beneficial uses it can have in growing your own business.

In the spotlight for the evening & lecturing at this conference will be Emma D’Arcy (PhD in Marketing, and a PhD student in Marketing & Social Media.) and Aoife Rigney, (Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Information Systems at Cork Institute of Technology.)

Emma will be covering topics relating to Twitter and Linked-In.
Twitter: Introduction to Twitter – How to build up followers – Interacting on Twitter – Do’s and Don’ts – Etiquette – Tips & Hints on using Twitter.
Linked In: What is it? – Why it’s worth using in business – Creating a profile – Networking – Tips & Hints on using Linked In.

Aoife will cover topics related to Facebook and Google+.
Facebook: Is Facebook Right For My Business? – Build Your Page – Interacting on Facebook – Expanding Your Reach – Facebook Insights & Advertising – Hints, Tips and Guidelines.
Google+: Google+ What is it? – Why use Google+? – A Simple Guide to Your Google+ Profile – Google+ for Business – Hints, Tips and Guidelines for using Google +.

To Register for this free event please click HERE.

Note Your Diary
Date: 12th July 2012
Time: 7.00 – 9.30pm
Location: Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary


1 comment to Tipperary Social Media For Business

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    George. This may not be the place to ask you or your readers the following, but I am nearly at breaking point with the Irish Government offices here and in Ireland there absolutely hopeless. I send an email to a week ago. This same email was giving to me by the Irish Embassy in Sydney. I wanted to know and this is requested by one of our Irish expats who has lived in Australia for 47 years and now deciding to return to Ireland to retire. She is not Australian Naturalized but was born in Ireland. Can she use her Medicare card in Ireland or does she have to take out private health cover. George I get so many missunderstandings on this subject (returning to retire in Ireland) I feel she does have to take out private cover, but I wanted to make sure for her. Now the fun part!

    Email received today 3/07/2012. Quote: “I will be out of the office starting 12/10/2011 and will not return until 31/12/2017” (note the year!!) “Queries to this address will not be answered. All enquiries to the National Health Information Line 1850 24 1850 or Email:” the same email address I send my email to in the first place. George one wonders why the Irish tax payer has to send so much of there hard earned money to these Embassies and Associations. Here they are not very well informed about Ireland at all. Did you know if one wants to renew an English Passport they have to apply to New Zealand. I am trying to sort that one out for an elderly Gent 87 years old and so confused with all this and of course the poor man is not on computer.
    I have been in touch with London so lets hope I get help for him from there. George if you or any of your readers can help me with this Irish matter that would be absolutely great.
    Thank you once again George.

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