
Enda Kenny To Hold Thurles Breakfast Briefing

Noel Coonan TD

On the invitation of local Fine Gael TD Noel Coonan, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny will be in Thurles this Thursday, May 24th to address a group of local business interests.  An Taoiseach Enda Kenny will be holding this business briefing in the Anner Hotel at 8.00am, where those assembled will discuss business matters relative to the area and Thurles town.

Deputy Coonan stated: “This is an opportunity for business people to meet with An Taoiseach and raise issues relative to business in the area. It’s also a chance to press upon An Taoiseach the urgency of targeting and focusing Government attention on the Thurles area and attract investment into the area.
I am pleased An Taoiseach has agreed to visit the constituency and we will also be using this opportunity to give a detailed briefing to the business community in support of the Stability Treaty. This Treaty is about investor confidence, an insurance policy and good housekeeping and it is one of the most important referendums that will come before the people of Ireland. We must all do our part to ensure a successful outcome.


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