
Tipperary To Lose District Garda Station At Templemore

Templemore Garda Training College

Elected representatives from all Government Party’s continue to disappoint their electorate residing here in North Tipperary.  It started with jobs, industrial estates and factories, e.g. Sugar Factory, Erin Foods etc., being allowed to haemorrhage in silence.

Over the past few years these elected representatives have permitted the downgrading of our counties hospitals. Despite promises to the contrary, acute patients, normally cared for by Nenagh General Hospital, are now forced to attend an overcrowded, understaffed, scruffy Mid Western Regional Hospital in Limerick, for their elective surgical services.  Limerick General Hospital is situated an extra 40.2km away from Nenagh, thus adding 45 minutes extra driving time, for those needing, very often, urgent care & attention.

The continuous, downgrading and slow eradication of the Garda Training College over this past year, despite Noel Coonan’s promises to the contrary, has succeeded in destroying the once strong local economy of Templemore town .

Added Insult To Injury

Now to add further insult to injury, Fine Gael’s latest proposal is to reduce the number of Garda Districts, here in North Tipperary, from six to five.  This proposed plan is expected to lead to the closure of the Templemore District headquarters. The Templemore District, presently home to the Garda Training College, includes the town of Roscrea, which recently also lost its local Courthouse. If these proposals are agreed and carried out, any future mergers would be likely to lead to the closure of the district headquarters in Templemore, which logic would then indicate should merge with Thurles. Roscrea on the other hand would logically be merged with the Nenagh Town Garda District.

Readers will now fully understand why only 39% of the estimated 24,839 properties in North Tipperary paid their “Hogan,” Household Charges.

At the end of May, if rural Ireland has anything to do with it, an already clapped out, unimaginative Fianna Gael government, may find themselves getting a far worse backlash than the Household Charges. I am of course referring to the referendum on the Fiscal Compact Treaty, as residents of rural Ireland may decide they have had enough.

This latter treaty must be ratified by January 2013 and will take effect, once it is ratified by 12 of the 17 euro zone countries.


2 comments to Tipperary To Lose District Garda Station At Templemore

  • Chris

    I am sure we won’t be any more out of debt if this goes ahead,so why the hell do it?
    For the mistakes the few in the city made, we here in North Tipperary are now taking the pain.

  • Michael

    It feels like we are living in MUGABE LAND

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