
Household Tax Information Leaflet In The Post

The controversial €100 Household Tax Information Leaflet, on which the Government has spent thousands of Euros of OUR money, is in the process of being delivered to every household in the country presently, so expect to receive your copy over the next week or two.

(Click on image for larger picture.)

Note this is NOT the form with which to register, merely it is an information leaflet and a reminder, so do take a few minutes to read it. It outlines what the tax is for, the penalties, the ways to pay, who is liable etc.

If you decide to show your protest at this unfair and inequitable tax, instead of putting the leaflet in your recycling bin, place it in an envelope, seal it, put a 55c stamp on it, and then POST it, having addressed it to Mr Minister Phil Hogan, Grovine, Co. Kilkenny. It is estimated that there are 1.8 million leaflets being distributed.

The following households ONLY will have the charge waived :-

  1. Those in receipt of mortgage interest supplement – (18,000 households approx.)
  2. Those in certain unfinished housing estates – (Less than 1,300 estates approx.)

A list of all “Unfinished Estates,” are available to view Here

No other waivers will apply and people on welfare and small pensions are being expected to pay.
Less than 6% of Irish Tax Payers have to date only registered their dwellings.


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