
Tipperary Soldier Honoured By Queen Elizabeth

Lance Corporal James White

A Tipperary soldier who joined the British Army in 2005, has just been honoured by Queen Elizabeth II, for multiple acts of bravery during two seven-month tours in Afghanistan.

Twenty Eight year old Lance Corporal James White, a member of the Parachute Regiment, is from Greenfields, Cappawhite, Co Tipperary, and was presented by the Queen, with the Military Cross.

Mr Pat White, Lance Corporal James White’s father said his son always wanted to be a soldier and tried to join the Irish army. However he failed his medical because he suffered from asthma as a child.

Lance Corporal James White took part in two seven-month tours of Afghanistan as part of a ‘Special Forces Support Group,’ and won his award following three incidents which took place during his last tour.

On one occasion, two platoons were pinned down by enemy fire and he crossed a 200 metre stretch of open ground to assist his comrades, despite automatic gunfire and RPGs firing all around him, clearing out enemy positions and thus alleviating the two platoons.

On a second occasion he took out an insurgent machine gunner and on a third he helped the evacuation of soldiers, by attacking a compound.

Lance Corporal James, who now begins a civilian career in England, was just one of 136 members of the British Armed Forces to be included in the honours list, and received his award in November 2011.

James White, Tipperary salutes your bravery.


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